Belajar Blog, Ilmu dan Pengalaman

Minggu, 27 Maret 2016

Pola Mengatasi Kesulitan Belajar Pada Anak

Pola Mengatasi Kesulitan Belajar Pada Anak
A. Pendahuluan
Untuk mengatasi kesulitan yang dialami oleh anak, maka pertama kali harus dilakukan identifikasi terhadap keadaan anak yang menunjukkan kesulitan belajar. Proses inilah yang di sebut dengan diagnosis yang bertujuan untuk menentukan jenis kesulitan belajar,
B. Langkah-langkah Untuk Mengatasi Kesulitan Belajar
Melakukan observasi yang ditujukan kepada seluruh anak didik di kelas untuk melihat perilaku yang tidak wajar ketika proses belajar mengajar berlangsung.
Memeriksa kesehatan dan kondisi fisik anak yang menunjukkan adanya gangguan kesehatan.
Memeriksa pengelihatan pendengaran anak yang diyakini mengalami gangguan kedua indra tersebut.
Melakukan tes intelegen bagi anak yang di yakini memiliki IQ di bawah rata-rata.
Melakukan tes diagnostik bidang kecakapan tertentu untuk mengetahui kesulitan di bidang itu.

Menurut Molyono Abdurrahman, mengutip dari Barbara Clark menawarkan pendidikan integratif sebagai suatu sistem yang di yakini sebagai upaya mengatasi kesulitan belajar. Pendidikan integratif ditafsirkan sebagai pendidikan yang berupaya:
Mengintegrasikan antara anak yang normal dan yang tidak normal
Mengentegrasikan pendidikan luar biasa dengan pendidikan pada umumnya.
Mengentegrasikan dan mengoptimalkan perkembangan kognisi, emosi, jasmani dan intuisi
Mengentegrasikan anak didik sebagai makhluk sosial.
Mengentegrasikan anak antara metari pelajaran dengan kehidupan masa depan anak.
Mengentegrasikan antara falsafah dan pandangan hidup dengan seni.

Sedangkan Langkah-langkah untuk mengatasi kesulitan belajar menurut Abu Ahmad adalah:
Pengumpulan data yang terdiri dari observasi, kunjungan rumah case history, daftar pribadi, meneliti pekerjaan anak, tugas kelompok melaksanakan tes.
Pengeolahan data yang terdiri dari identifikasi kasus, membandingkan dengan hasil tes dan menarik kesimpulan. Diagnosis yang meliputi keputusan tentang jenis kesulitan belajar anak, Faktor-faktor penyebab kesulitan belajar anak dan Faktor-faktor penyebab utama kesulitan belajar anak dengan meminta bantuan dokter, psikater, pekerja sosial, guru kelas, dan orang tua.
Pronosis, sebagai follow up dari diagnosis untuk menentukan treatment yang harus diberikan. bahan materi yang diperlukan metode yang digunakan, alat bantu belajar yang diperlukan waktu dan tempat pelaksanaan.
Treatment (perlakuan) dilakukan melalui bimbingan kelompok, bimbingan belajar individual, pengajaran remidial pelajaran tertentu, bimbingan pribadi atas kesulitan belajar secara psikologis dan bimbingan orang tua.

Terkait dengan Langkah-langkah mengatasi kesuliatan belajar anak seorang Murobbi harus memberikan layanan bimbingan belajar di sekolah agar supaya menumbuhkan kebiasaan belajar yang baik, dengan memberikan materi yang cocok demi mengurangi tingkat kesulitan anak dalam belajar, melalui beragam media pembelajaran. Adapun konsep layanan bimbingan belajar dapat dilaksanakan melalui tiga tahap yaitu:

Pengenalan terhadap anak didik yangg mengalami masalah belajar.
Mengungkapkan sebab-sebab timbulnya masalah belajar.
Pemberian bantuan dalam pemecahan masalah belajar.

C. Kesimpulam
Bahwa Untuk mengatasi kesulitan yang dialami oleh anak, maka pertama kali harus dilakukan identifikasi terhadap keadaan anak yang menunjukkan kesulitan belajar.
Bahwa pendidikan integratif sebagai suatu sistem yang di yakini sebagai upaya mengatasi kesulitan belajar.
Bahwa seorang Murobbi harus memberikan layanan bimbingan belajar di sekolah agar supaya menumbuhkan kebiasaan belajar yang baik, dengan memberikan materi yang cocok demi mengurangi tingkat kesulitan anak dalam belajar, melalui beragam media pembelajaran.

Daftar Rujukan.
Sarwan, Bimbingan & Konseling di Sekolah, Jember: Pustaka radja: 2011
Muchlis Sholichin, Psikologi Belajar Aplikasi Teori Belajar dalam Pembelajaran, Surabaya: Pena Salsabila: 2013

Sabtu, 26 Maret 2016

Pendidikan Karakter di Tinjau Dari Perspektif Islam


Salah satu kewajiban utama yang harus dijalankan oleh orang tua adalah menanamkan Nilai-nilai moral kepada anak-anak kita. Nilai-nilai moral yang ditanamkan akan membentuk karakter (akhlak mulia) yang merupakan pondasi penting bagi terbentuknya sebuah tatanan masyarakat yang beradab dan sejahtera.

Oleh karena itu penanaman moral melalui pendidikan karakter sedini mungkin kepada anak-anak adalah kunci utama untuk membangun bangsa.


Pendidikan Karakter adalah proses internalisasi budaya ke dalam diri seseorang dan masyarakat sehingga membuat orang dan masyarakat jadi beradab. Pendidikan bukan merupakan sarana transfer ilmu pengetahuan saja, tetapi lebih luas lagi yakni sebagai sarana pembudayaan dan penyaluran nilai (enkulturisasi dan sosialisasi).

Anak harus mendapatkan pendidikan yang menyentuh dimensi dasar kemanusiaan. Dimensi kemanusiaan itu mencakup sekurang-kurangnya tiga hal paling mendasar, yaitu:

Afektif yang tercermin pada kualitas keimanan, ketakwaan, akhlak mulia termasuk budi pekerti luhur serta kepribadian unggul, dan kompetensi estetis.

Kognitif yang tercermin pada kapasitas pikir dan daya intelektualitas untuk menggali dan mengembangkan serta menguasai ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi.

Psikomotorik yang tercermin pada kemampuan mengembangkan keterampilan teknis, kecakapan praktis, dan kompetensi kinestetis.

Karakter berasal dari bahasa Yunani yang berarti “to mark” atau menandai dan memfokuskan bagaimana mengaplikasikan nilai kebaikan dalam bentuk tindakan atau tingkah laku, sehingga orang yang tidak jujur, kejam, rakus dan perilaku jelek lainnya dikatakan orang berkarakter jelek. Sebaliknya, orang yang perilakunya sesuai dengan kaidah moral disebut dengan berkarakter mulia.

Pendidikan karakter adalah suatu sistem penanaman nilai-nilai karakter kepada warga sekolah yang meliputi komponen pengetahuan, kesadaran atau kemauan, dan tindakan untuk melaksanakan nilai-nilai tersebut. Dalam pendidikan karakter di sekolah, semua komponen (pemangku pendidikan) harus dilibatkan, termasuk komponen-komponen pendidikan itu sendiri, yaitu isi kurikulum, proses pembelajaran dan penilaian, penanganan atau pengelolaan mata pelajaran, pengelolaan sekolah, pelaksanaan aktivitas atau kegiatan ko-kurikuler, pemberdayaan sarana prasarana, pembiayaan, dan etos kerja seluruh warga sekolah/lingkungan.

Di samping itu, pendidikan karakter dimaknai sebagai suatu perilaku warga sekolah yang dalam menyelenggarakan pendidikan harus berkarakter. Pendidikan karakter adalah pendidikan budi pekerti plus, yaitu yang melibatkan aspek pengetahuan (cognitive), perasaan (feeling), dan tindakan (action).

Terdapat sembilan pilar karakter yang berasal dari nilai-nilai luhur universal, yaitu:

pertama, karakter cinta Tuhan dan segenap ciptaan-Nya;
kedua, kemandirian dan tanggungjawab;
ketiga, kejujuran/amanah, diplomatis;
keempat, hormat dan santun;
kelima, dermawan, suka tolong-menolong dan gotong royong/kerjasama;
keenam, percaya diri dan pekerja keras;
ketujuh, kepemimpinan dan keadilan;
kedelapan, baik dan rendah hati, dan;
kesembilan, karakter toleransi, kedamaian, dan kesatuan.

.B. Dasar-dasar Pendidikan Karakter

Dalam perspektif Islam, karakter atau akhlak mulia merupakan buah yang dihasilkan dari proses penerapan syariah (ibadah dan muamalah) yang dilandasi oleh akidah yang kokoh. Ibarat bangunan, karakter atau akhlak merupakan kesempurnaan dari bangunan tersebut setelah fondasi dan bangunannya kuat. Jadi, tidak mungkin karakter mulia akan terwujud pada diri seseorang jika ia tidak memiliki akidah dan syariah yang benar.

Sebagai contoh, orang yang beriman kepada Allah secara benar, ia akan selalu meningat Allah dan mengikuti seluruh perintahnya serta menjauhi seluruh larangannya. Dengan demikian, ia akan menjadi orang yang bertaqwa yang selalu berbuat baik dan menjauhi hal-hal yang dilarang. Begitu juga, orang yang beriman kepada Malaikat, kitab, utusan Allah, hari akhir dan takdir Allah secara benar akan menjadikan sikap dan perilakunya terarah dan terkendali sehingga ia benar-benar mewujudkan akhlak atau karakter yang baik dalam kehidupannya.

Hal yang sama juga terjadi dalam hal pelaksanaan syariah. Seorang muslim yang melaksanakan Sholat sesuai dengan ketentuan yang berlaku, akan selalu merasa beruntung dalam hidupnya sehingga memiliki hati yang tenang, berbuat yang benar, serta terhindar dari perbuatan keji dan mungkar seperti yang ditegaskan Allah dalam Al-Qur’an (QS. Al-Mu’minum, 23:1-2, dan QS. Al-‘Ankabut, 29:45) yang berbunyi:

ô‰s% yxn=øùr& tbqãZÏB÷sßJø9$# ÇÊÈ tûïÏ%©!$# öNèd ’Îû öNÍkÍEŸx|¹ tbqãèϱ»yz ÇËÈ
1. Sesungguhnya beruntunglah orang-orang yang beriman,
2. (yaitu) orang-orang yang khusyu' dalam sembahyangnya,

ã@ø?$# !$tB zÓÇrré& y7ø‹s9Î) šÆÏB É=»tGÅ3ø9$# ÉOÏ%r&ur no4qn=¢Á9$# ( žcÎ) no4qn=¢Á9$# 4‘sS÷Zs? ÇÆtã Ïä!$t±ósxÿø9$# ̍s3ZßJø9$#ur 3 ãø.Ï%s!ur «!$# çŽt9ò2r& 3 ª!$#ur ÞOn=÷ètƒ $tB tbqãèoYóÁs? ÇÍÎÈ
45. bacalah apa yang telah diwahyukan kepadamu, Yaitu Al kitab (Al Quran) dan dirikanlah shalat. Sesungguhnya shalat itu mencegah dari (perbuatan- perbuatan) keji dan mungkar. dan Sesungguhnya mengingat Allah (shalat) adalah lebih besar (keutamaannya dari ibadat-ibadat yang lain). dan Allah mengetahui apa yang kamu kerjakan.

Keharusan menjunjung tingi karakter mulia (akhlak karimah) lebih di pertegas lagi oleh Nabi Muhammad SAW dengan pernyataan yang menghubungkan akhlak dengan kualitas kemauan, bobot amal, dan jaminan masuk surga. Berikut ini Hadits yang dirwayatkan dari Abdullah bin Amar, Rasulullah bersabda:
خياركم أحاسنكم أخلاقا
Sebaik-baik kamu adalah yang paling baik akhlaknya. (HR. Al-Bukhari dan At-Tirmidzi).

Dalam Hadits Nabi juga besabda:
أكمل المؤمنين إيمانا أحسنهم خلقا
Orang-orang yang beriman yang paling sempurna iman mereka adalah yang paling baik akhlaknya. (HR. Abu Dawud dan Abu Hurairah)

Dalam Hadits yang lai diceritakan oleh Abdullah bin Amar, ketika sedang bersama orang-orang di sekitarnya. Beliau bertanya:
ألا أحدثكم بأحبّكم إليّ وأقربكم منّي مجلسا يوم القيامة ثلاث مرّات يقولها قال بلى يا رسول الله قال فقال أحسنكم أخلاقا
Maukah kalian aku beritahu orang yang paling cinta kepadaku di antara kalian dan paling dekat tempat duduknya denganku pada hari kiamat? Nabi mengatakannya tiga kali lalu Abdullah bin Amar berkata, Kami menjawab. Ya wahai Rasulullah. Abdullah meneruskan, Nabi lalu mengatakan Ia adalah orang yang terbaik akhlaknya di antara kalian. (HR. Ahmad).

Dalil-dalil di atas menunjukkan bahwa karakter dalam perspektif Islam bukan hanya hasil pemikiran dan tidak berarti lepas dari realitas kehidupan tetapi merupakan persoalan yang terkait dengan akal, ruh, hati, jiwa, realitas, dan tujuan yang digariskan oleh akhlak Qur’aniah. (Ainain, 1985:186). Disinilah pendidikan karakter mempunyai peran penting dan strategis bagi manusia dalam rangka melakukan proses internalisasi dan pengamalan nilai-nilai karakter mulia di masyarakat.

Penerapan Pendidikan Karakter di Sekolah
Berdasrkan fungsi dan tujuan pendidikan nasional, jelas bahwa pendidikan di setiap jenjang, harus diselenggarakan secara sistematis guna mencapai tujuan tersebut. Hal ini berkaitan dengan pembentukan karakter peserta didik sehingga mampu bersaing, beretika, bermoral, sopan santun dan berinteraksi dengan masyarakat. Pembentukan karakter merupakan salah satu tujuan pendidikan nasional. Pasal I UU Sisdiknas tahun 2003 menyatakan bahwa di antara tujuan pendidikan nasional adalah mengembangkan potensi peserta didik untuk memiliki kecerdasan, kepribadian dan akhlak mulia.

Amanah UU Sisdiknas tahun 2003 itu bermaksud agar pendidikan tidak hanya membentuk insan Indonesia yang cerdas, namun juga berkepribadian atau berkarakter, sehingga nantinya akan lahir generasi bangsa yang tumbuh berkembang dengan karakter yang bernafas nilai-nilai luhur bangsa serta agama. Pendidikan karakter di nilai sangat penting untuk di mulai pada anak usia dini karena pendidikan karakter adalah proses pendidikan yang ditujukan untuk mengembangkan nilai, sikap, dan perilaku yang memancarkan akhlak mulia atau budi pekerti luhur. Sebab falsafah menanam sekarang menuai hari esok adalah sebuah proses yang harus dilakukan dalam rangka membentuk karakter anak bangsa. Pada usia kanak-kanak atau yang biasa disebut para ahli psikologi sebagai usia emas (golden age) terbukti sangat menentukan kemampuan anak dalam mengembangkan potensinya.

Pendidikan karakter dapat diintergrasikan dalam pembelajaran pada setiap mata pelajaran. Materi pembelajaran yang berkaitan dengan norma atau nilai-nilai pada setiap mata pelajaran perlu dikembangkan, dieksplisitkan, dikaitkan dengan konteks kehidupan sehari-hari. Pendidikan karakter di sekolah juga sangat terkait dengan manajemen atau pengelolaan sekolah. Pengolalaan yang dimaksud adalah bagaimana pendidikan karakter direncanakan, dilaksanakan, dan dikendalikan dalam kegiatan-kegiatan pendidikan di sekolah secara memadai.

Lebih jauh, penerapan pendidika karakter di sekolah dapat dilakukan melalui empat strategi yaitu:
Strategi inklusif, yakni menginsertkan pendidikan karakter kedalam semua mata pelajaran dan dalam proses pembelajaran.
Strategi budaya, strategi dapat dilakukan oleh semua sivitas akademika sekolah untuk menerapkan pendidikan karakter sebagai budaya sekolah.
Strategi eksplorasi diri, yaitu melatih peserta didik mengali karakter yang dimiliki selama ini secara obkjektif.
Strategi penilaian teman sejawat, dapat dilakukan oleh antar siswa satu kelas secara objektif. Artinya, guru memberi kewenangan kepada siswanya untuk memberikan penilaian kepada teman mereka sendiri secara objektif.

Dengan demikian, pendidikan karakter mengajarkan kebiasaan cara berpikir dan perilaku yang membantu individu untuk hidup dan bekerja bersama sebagai keluarga, masyarakat, dan bernegara serta membantu mereka untuk membuat keputusan yang dapat dipertanggungjawabkan. Dengan kata lain, pendidikan karakter mengajarkan anak berpikir cerdas, mengaktivasi otak tengah secara alami.


Pendidikan diartikan sebagai suatu sistem penanaman nilai-nilai karakter kepada warga sekolah yang meliputi komponen pengetahuan, kesadaran atau kemauan, dan tindakan untuk melaksanakan nilai-nilai tersebut,baik terhadap Tuhan Yang Maha Esa (YME), diri sendiri, sesama,lingkungan,maupun kebangsaan sehingga menjadi manusia insan kamil. Dalam pendidikan karakter di sekolah, semua komponen (stakeholders) harus dilibatkan, termasuk komponen-komponen pendidikan itu sendiri, yaitu isi kurikulum, proses pembelajaran dan penilaian, kualitas hubungan, penanganan atau pengelolaan mata pelajaran, pengelolaan sekolah, pelaksanaan aktivitas atau kegiatan ko-kurikuler, pemberdayaan sarana prasarana, pembiayaan, dan ethos kerja seluruh warga dan lingkungan sekolah.

Dalam perspektif Islam, karakter atau akhlak mulia merupakan buah yang dihasilkan dari proses penerapan syariah (ibadah dan muamalah) yang dilandasi oleh akidah yang kokoh. Ibarat bangunan, karakter atau akhlak merupakan kesempurnaan dari bangunan tersebut setelah fondasi dan bangunannya kuat. Jadi, tidak mungkin karakter mulia akan terwujud pada diri seseorang jika ia tidak memiliki akidah dan syariah yang benar.

penerapan pendidika karakter di sekolah dapat dilakukan melalui empat strategi yaitu:
Strategi inklusif, yakni menginsertkan pendidikan karakter kedalam semua mata pelajaran dan dalam proses pembelajaran.
Strategi budaya, strategi dapat dilakukan oleh semua sivitas akademika sekolah untuk menerapkan pendidikan karakter sebagai budaya sekolah.
Strategi eksplorasi diri, yaitu melatih peserta didik mengali karakter yang dimiliki selama ini secara obkjektif.
Strategi penilaian teman sejawat, dapat dilakukan oleh antar siswa satu kelas secara objektif. Artinya, guru memberi kewenangan kepada siswanya untuk memberikan penilaian kepada teman mereka sendiri secara objektif.

Daftar Rujukan
Megawangi, Ratna. Pendidikan Karakter. Jakarta: Indonesia Heritage Foundation, 2004.
Siswanto, Pendidikan Agama Islam Aplikasi dan Pengembangannya di Sekolah, Surabaya: Pena Salsabila, 2015. Hlm. 60
Marzuki, Pendidikan Karakter Islam, Jakarta: Amzah, 2015. Hlm. 23

Kamis, 24 Maret 2016

Dari mana pendidikan islam di mulai?

 Dari mana pendidikan islam  di mulai?
Pendidikan islam bagi anak dimulai sejak anak membuka kedua matanya dalam dekapan kedua orang tuanya, maka rumah adalah tempat belajar dimana islam sangat memperhatikannya.dan islam mewajibkan atas para orang tua untuk menolong (membantu) dengan mendidik anak-anak mereka dan mengawasi mereka atas pendidikannya. Nabi SAW bersabda (muliakanlah anak-anak kalian dan baguskanlah adab mereka) dan adab serta pendidikan itu diibaratkan sebagai hadiah utama yang didahulukan orang tua kepada anaknya.

Didalam rumah ,anak belajar dari melihat dan meniru kedua orang tuanya dalam shalat,puasa, harga diri,dan kepatuhan keduanya bagi agamanya.dan sungguh rasulullah telah memerintahkan kepada kedua orang tua untuk menyuruh anak mereka untuk sholat sejak usia kanak-kanak. Rasulullah bersabda ( perintahkanlah anak-anak kalian dalam umur 7 tahun dan pukullah mereka atas shalat dalam umur 10 tahun). Ibaratkan pendidikan itu pada agungnya hadiah yang orang tua dahulukan untuk anaknya.maka rasulullah berkata (tidaklah orang tua menempatkan contoh yang baik kepada anaknya yang lebih utama dari pada adab( tatakrama) yang baik)

Rasulullah mengutamakan pendidikan anak daripada shadaqah rasulullah bersabda:(sungguh seorang laki-laki yang mengajarkan adab kepada anaknya lebih baik daripada dia bersedekah satu sha)

Pendidikan didalam rumah tidak hanya mencakup tatakrama yang baik tetapi melampauinyasampai pada bagusnya tingkah laku dan bagusnya penjelasan dan jelasnya lisan.dan karena itu ibu mempunyai bagian (andil) dalam mendidik anaknya.

Suatu hari aisyah r.a berkata kepada putra saudaranya Qosim Muhammad bin abu bakar dan ibunya adalah ummu walad-dan dia seorang anak yang bicaranya (lisannya)banyak keliru dan salah (mengapa kamu tidak berbicara seperti putra saudaraku ini bicara? Adapun sasungguhnya aku tahu dari mana kamu datang ingat, ibunya telah mengajarkan tatakrama padanya dan ibumu telah mengajarkan tatakrama padamu).

Maka kedua orang tua dirumah adalah pemimpin,dan setiap pemimpin ditanyakan tentang rakyatnya,dan yang paling ditanyakan adalah pendidikan anak-anaknya baik laki-laki maupun perempuan. Hadits dari Abi sa’id beliau berkata : (barang siapa mengasuh tiga anak perempuan dan mengajarkan adab dan menjodohkan serta berbuat baik pada mereka maka baginya syurga)

Dan setelah (pendidikan) rumah hadirlah kitab yang pertama kali dibutuhkan (didahulukan) seperti mengajarkan anak , Al-Qur’an dan membaca serta menulis

Kemudian keinginannya dikembangkan agar meliputi ilmu nahwu dan bahasa arab serta berhitung lebih-lebih tentang hadits dan fiqih.dan karena itu mungkin harus dipaparkan kitab yang mengarah pada pendidikan islam yang benar diluar rumah. Selama orang yang berpegang padanya membaca AlQur’an dan memahami . dan selama anak berwatak atas ibadah dan menanamkan dalam dirinya pada kemuliaan adat (kebiasaan) dan keutamaan jalan (aliran). dan semuanya tumbuh dari agama serta memelihara tujuan agama karena sesungguhnya agama adalah pengetahuan dan pengamalan serta keyakinan dan ibadah.

Dan setelah kitab “giliran lembaga” ilmu dan perkantoran dan ponpes yang didalamnya berkecimpung pengetahuan yang mendalam dan khusus. Semuanya dalam setiap halnya dicampur (diisi) dengan pendidikan dan tatakrama islami. Demikian itu sesungguhnya islam menyeluruh dan saling menyempurnakan serta keyakinan dan pengetahuan juga pengalaman.

Lebih dari ini kita lihat pengutusan yang berjalan atas perintah para khalifah ke benua (daerah)untuk mengajarkan manusia pada islam dan adab-adabnya dan aturan –aturannya adalah tauladan pada rasul yang mulia SAW. Yang telah mengutus pada kabilah dan Negara-negara lain yang memeluk islam dengan orang yang mengajarkan manusia pada agama mereka dan memperkenalkan pada mereka jalan kebenaran. Maka Umar r.a mengutus para Qari’ kemesir dan memerintahkan manusia (rakyat) dengan bertatap muka pada hari jum’at di masjid.

Dan Umar bin ABD Aziz mengutus yazid bin Habib yang merupakan guru yang cerdas dan hakim agung pada masanya. Dan Umar mengutus sepuluh Qari’ pilihan ke bangsa afrika.


Selasa, 22 Maret 2016

Model Berpikir sebuah Kajian Metodologi Studi Islam

Model Berpikir sebuah Kajian Metodologi Studi Islambayani adalah pendekatan dengan cara menganilis teks. Maka sumber epistemologi bayani adalah teks. Sumber teks dalam studi Islam dapat dikelompokkan menjadi dua, yakni : teks nash (al-Qur`an dan Sunnah Nabi Muhammad SAW) dan teks non-nash berupa karya para ulama. Adapun corak berpikir yang diterapkan dalam ilmu ini cenderung deduktif, yakni mencari (apa) isi dari teks (analisis content)

Burhan adalah pengetahuan yang diperoleh dari indera, percobaan dan hukum -hukum logika. Maksudnya bahwa untuk mengukur atau benarnya sesuatu adalah berdasarkan komponen kemampuan alamiah manusia berupa pengalaman dan akal tanpa teks wahyu suci, yang memuncukan peripatik. Maka sumber pengetahuan dengan nalar burhani adalah realitas dan empiris yang berkaitan dengan alam, social, dan humanities.

irfani adalah suatu pendekatan yang dipergunakan dalam kajian pemikiran Islam oleh para mutasawwifun dan 'arifun untuk mengeluarkan makna batin dari batin lafz dan 'ibarah; ia juga merupakan istinbat al-ma'rifah al-qalbiyyah dari Al-Qur'an.

Dalam teori epistemologi terdapat beberapa aliran. Aliran-aliran tersebut mencoba menjawab pertanyaan bagaimana manusia memperoleh pengetahuan. Pertama, golongan yang mengemukakan asal atau sumber pengetahuan yaitu aliran:

  1. Rasionalisme, yaitu aliran yang mengemukakan, bahwa sumber pengetahuan manusia ialah pikiran, rasio dan jiwa.
  2. Empirisme, yaitu aliran yang mengatakan bahwa pengetahuan manusia berasal dari pengalaman manusia itu sendiri, melalui dunia luar yang ditangkap oleh panca inderanya.
  3. Kritisme (transendentalisme), yaitu aliran yang berpendapat bahwa pengetahuan manusia itu berasal dari dunia luar dan dari jiwa atau pikiran manusia sendiri.
Kedua, golongan yang mengemukakan hakikat pengetahuan manusia inklusif di dalamnya aliran-aliran:
  1. Realisme, yaitu aliran yang berpendirian bahwa pengetahuan manusia adalah gambaran yang baik dan tepat tentang kebenaran. Dalam pengetahuan yang baik tergambar kebenaran seperti sesungguhnya.
  2. Idealisme, yaitu aliran yang berpendapat bahwa pengetahuan hanyalah kejadian dalam jiwa manusia, sedangkan kanyataan yang diketahui manusia semuanya terletak di luar dirinya.[6]
Dengan demikian, pengertian epistemologi keilmuan Islam adalah merupakan asas mengenai cara bagaimana materi pengetahuan yang menjelaskan tentang keilmuan Islam dan beberapa aspek yang termasuk di dalamnya yang diperoleh dan disusun menjadi suatu tubuh pengetahuan yang meliputi sumber dan sarana untuk mencapai ilmu pengetahuan.
B. Model Pemikiran Epistemologi Keilmuan Islam
1. Model Berpikir Bayani
Secara bahasa, bayani bermakna sebagai penjelasan, pernyataan, ketetapan.[8] Sedangkan secara terminologis, bayani berarti pola pikir yang bersumber pada nash, ijma’, dan ijtihad. Jika dikaitkan dengan epistemologi, maka pengertiannya adalah studi filosofis terhadap struktur pengetahuan yang menempatkan teks (wahyu) sebagai sebuah kebenaran mutlak. Adapun akal hanya menempati tingkat sekunder dan bertugas hanya untuk menjelaskan teks yang ada.
Ditinjau dari perspektif sejarah, bayani sebetulnya sudah dimulai sejak pada masa awal Islam. Hanya saja pada masa awal ini, yang disebut dengan bayani belum merupakan sebuah upaya ilmiah dalam arti identifikasi keilmuan dan peletakan aturan penafsiran teks-teksnya, tetapi baru sekedar upaya penyebaran tradisi bayani saja.
Dalam tradisi keilmuan Islam, corak bayani sangat dominan. Dengan segala karakteristiknya, corak bayani bukanlah sebuah corak yang sempurna. Salah satu kelemahannya adalah kurang peduli terhadap isu-isu keagamaan yang bersifat konstektual. Padahal, jika ingin mengembangkan pola berfikir bayani, maka mau tidak mau harus menghubungkan dengan pola berfikir irfani dan burhani. Jika masing-masing tetap kokoh pada pendiriannya dan tidak mau membuka diri, berdialog, dan saling melengkapi satu sama lain, sulit rasanya studi Islam dan pengembangan ilmu-ilmu keislaman mampu menjawab tantangan kontemporer yang terus berkembang tiada henti.

Dalam tradisi bayani, otoritas kebenaran terletak pada teks (wahyu). Sementara akal menempati posisi sekunder. Tugas akal dalam konteks epistemologi bayani adalah menjelaskan teks-teks yang ada. Sementara bagaimana bagaimana implementasi ajaran teks tersebut dalam kehidupan konkret berada di luar kalkulasi epistemologi ini.[9]

Epitemologi Bayâni adalah pendekatan dengan cara menganalisis teks. Maka sumber epistemologi bayani adalah teks. Sumber teks dalam studi Islam dapat dikelompokkan secara umum menjadi dua, yakni:

  • Teks nash ( Al-Qur’an dan Sunnah Nabi Muhammad SAW)
  • Teks non nash berupa karya para ulama

Obyek kajian yang umum dengan pendekatan bayani adalah :

  • Gramatika dan sastra (nahwu dan balagah)
  • Hukum dan teori hukum (fiqh dan ushul fiqh)
  • Filologi
  • Teologi, dan
  • Dalam beberapa kasus di bidang ilmu-ilmu Al-Qur’an dan Hadist.[10]

Corak berfikir yang diterapkan dalam epistemologi bayani ini cenderung deduktif, yakni mencari (apa) isi dari teks (analisis content).

Sejak dari awal, pola pikir bayani lebih mendahulukan qiyas dan bukam mantiq lewat silogisme dan premis-premis logika. Epistemologi tekstual-lughawiyah lebih diutamakan daripada epistemologi kontekstual-bahtsiyyah maupun spiritualitas-irfaniyyah-batiniyyah. Di samping itu, nalar epistemologi bayani selalu mencurigai akal pikiran, karena dianggap akan menjauhi kebenaran tekstual. Sampai-sampai muncul kesimpulan bahwa wilayah kerja akal pikiran perlu untuk dibatasi sedemikian rupa dan perannya dialihkan menjadi pengatur dan pengekang hawa nafsu, bukannya untuk mencari sebab dan akibat lewat analisis keilmuan yang akurat.

Sistem epistemologi bayani ini menghasilkan suatu pakem kombinatif untuk menafsirkan wacana dan menentukan sarat-sarat produksi wacana. Konsep dasar sistem ini menggabungkan metode fiqh seperti yang dikembangkan oleh asy-Syafi’i, dengan metode retorika seperti yang dikembangkan oleh al-Jahiz. Sistem ini berpusat pada hubungan antara ungkapan dan makna.

Hasil akhirnya adalah sebuah teori pengetahuan yang dalam setiap levelnya bersifat bayani. Dalam logika internalnya, teori pengetahuan (epistemologi) ditentukan oleh konsep bayani yang termasuk gaya bahasa puitik, ungkapan oral, pemahaman, komunikasi, dan penangkapan secara penuh. Hal yang sama juga terdapat dalam ranah materi pengetahuan, yang terutama disusun dari al-Qur’an, hadits, tata bahasa, fiqh, serta prosa dan puisi Arab. Begitu juga dengan ranah ideologi, karena kekuatan otoritatif yang menetukan, yaitu dogma Islam, ada di belakang ranah ini. Oleh karena itu, sejak awal ada batasan atau larangan tertentu untuk menyamakan pengetahuan dengan keimanan kepada Tuhan. Sistem ini juga diterapkan dalam ranah epistemologi, di mana manusia dipahami sebagai makhluk yang diberkati kapasitas bayan dengan dua tipe “nalar”; pertama dalam bentuk bakat, dan yang lain adalah hasil pembelajaran.

Al-Jabiri menjelaskan bahwa sistem bayani dibangun oleh dua prinsip dasar. Pertama, prinsip diskontinyuitas atau keterpisahan, dan kedua, prinsip kontingensi atau kemungkinan. Prinsip-prinsip tersebut termanifestasi dalam teori substansi individu yang mempertahankan bahwa hubungan substansi sebuah individu (tubuh, tindakan, sensasi dan apapun yang terbentuk di dalamnya) didasarkan atas hubungan dan asosiasi yang kebetulan saja, tapi tidak memengaruhi dan berinteraksi. Teori ini sesungguhnya menafikan teori kausalitas atau ide tentang adanya hukum alam.[11]

2. Model Berpikir Burhani

Kata burhani diambil dari bahasa Arab, al-burhan yang berarti argumentasi yang kuat dan jelas. Sedangkan kata yang memiliki makna sama dengan al-burhan dalam bahasa Inggris adalah demonstration. Arti dari kata demonstration adalah berfikir sesuai dengan alur tertentu atau penalaran yang dapat dipertanggungjawabkan. Oleh karena itu, pengetahuan demonstratif merupakan pengetahuan yang integratif, sistemik, dan sistematis. Ciri daripada pengetahuan demonstratif ada tiga. Pertama, pokok bahasannya jelas dan pasti. Kedua, universal dan tidak partikular. Ketiga, memiliki peristilahan teknis tertentu.

Menurut Abid al-Jabiri, burhan dalam logika adalah aktivitas intelektual untuk membuktikan kebenaran suatu proposisi dengan cara konklusi atau deduksi. Sedangkan dalam pengertian umum, burhan merupakan semua aktivitas intelektual untuk membuktikan kebenaran suatu proposisi.[12] Istilah burhani juga dipakai dalam pengertian yang cukup beragam. Beberapa di antaranya; (1) cara atau jenis argumentasi; (2) argumen itu sendiri; (3) bukti yang terlihat dari suatu argumen yang menyakinkan.

Dalam bahasa lain, metode burhani atau demonstratif merupakan sebentuk inferensi rasional, yaitu penggalian premis-premis yang menghasilkan konklusi yang bernilai. Metode burhani atau demonstratif ini berasal dari filosof terkenal Yunani, yaitu Aristetoles. Apa yang dimaksudkan oleh Aristetoles dengan metode demonstratif ini adalah silogisme ilmiah, yaitu silogisme yang apabila seseorang memilikinya, maka orang tersebut akan memiliki pengetahuan. Menurut Aristetoles, silogisme merupakan seperangkat metode berfikir yang dengan silogisme tersebut, seseorang dapat menyimpulkan pengetahuan baru yang diperolehnya dari pengetahuan-pengetahuan sebelumnya.

Metode burhani pada dasarnya merupakan logika, atau metode penalaran rasional yang digunakan untuk menguji kebenaran dan kekeliruan dari suatu pernyataan atau teori ilmiah dan filosofis dengan memerhatikan keabsahan dan akurasi pengambilan sebuah kesimpulan ilmiah.

Tidak semua silogisme dapat disebut denga burhani atau demonstratif. Sebuah silogisme baru dikatakan sebagai demonstratif apabila premis-premisnya didasarkan bukan pada opini, melainkan didasarkan pada kebenaran yang telah teruji atau didasarkan kepada kebenaran utama. Ditinjau dari perspektif metodologi, burhani menggunakan logika (al-maqayis) sebagai metodologi.[13]

Sementara dalam pandangan filosof al-Farabi, metode al-burhaniyah (demonstrasi) merupakan metodologi yang super canggih dibandingkan dengan metodologi-metodologi lainnya, seperti metodologi dialektika (jadaliyah), dan metodologi retorika (khatabbiyah). Jika metode retorika dan dialektika dapat dikonsumsi oleh masyarakat umum, hal ini tidak berlaku bagi metode burhani. Burhani hanya mampu dikonsumsi oleh orang-orang tertentu.

Ilmu-ilmu yang muncul dari tradisi burhani disebut al-‘Ilm al-Husuli, yakni ilmu yang dikonsep, disusun, dan disistematiskan hanya melalui premis-premis logika. Metode burhani ini biasa digunakan dan dijumpai dalam filsafat paripatetik yang secara eksklusif mengandalkan deduksi rasional dengan menggunakan silogisme yang terdiri dari premis-premis dan konklusi. Metode ini dikembangkan oleh al-Kindi, al-Farabi, Ibn Sina dan Ibn Rusyd.

Berbeda dengan epistemologi bayani, epistemologi burhani menempatkan akal dalam otoritas kebenaran. Jika dalam epistemologi bayani setiap proses pemikiran pasti berangkat dari teks menuju makna, pada epistemologi burhani justru sebaliknya, yaitu makna lebih dulu lahir dari kata-kata.[14]

Maksud epistemologi Burhani adalah, bahwa untuk mengukur benar atau tidaknya sesuatu adalah dengan berdasarkan komponen kemampuan alamiyah manusia berupa pengalaman dan akal tanpa dasar teks wahyu suci, yang memunculkan peripatik. Maka sumber pengetahuan dengan nalar burhani adalah realitas dan empiris; alam, sosial, dan humanities. Artinya ilmu diperoleh sebagai hasil penelitian, hasil percobaan, hasil eksperimen, baik di laboratorium maupun di alam nyata, baik yang bersifat sosial maupun alam. Corak berfikir yang digunakan adalah induktif, yakni generalisasi dari hasil-hasil penelitian empiris.[15]

3. Model Berpikir Irfani

‘Irfan dalam bahasa Arab semakna dengan ma’rifah yang diartikan dengan al-‘ilm. Di kalangan sufi, kata ‘irfan dipergunakan untuk menunjukkan jenis pengetahuan yang tertinggi, yang dihadirkan ke dalam qalb dengan cara kasyf atau ilham. Di kalangan kaum sufi sendiri, ma’rifah diartikan sebagai pengetahuan langsung tentang Tuhan berdasarkan atas wahyu atau petunjuk Tuhan.

Dalam konteks pemaknaan terhadap ma’rifah, klasifikasi pengetahuan yang dilakukan oleh Dzu al-Nun al-Mishri menempatkan ma’rifah sebagai salah satu jenis pengetahuan khusus di kalangan sufi. Pengetahuan jenis ini, dalam pandangan Dzu al-Nun, yang disebut pengetahuan hakiki. Dzu al-Nun membagi pengetahuan kepada tiga jenis yakni; (1) pengetahuan orang awam yang menyatakan bahwa Tuhan itu Esa dengan perantaraan ucapan syahadat, (2) pengetahuan ulama yang menyatakan bahwa Tuhan itu Esa menurut logika akal, dan (3) pengetahuan para sufi yang menyatakan bahwa Tuhan itu Esa dengan perantaraan hati nurani. Pengetahuan jenis pertama dan kedua baru tahap ilmu, sedangkan pengetahuan ketiga adalah pengetahuan hakiki, yaitu ma’rifat.[16]

Irfani adalah pendekatan yang bersumber pada intuisi (kasf/ilham). Dari irfani muncul illuminasi. Prosedur penelitian irfaniah berdasarkan literatur tasawuf, secara garis besar langkah-langkah penelitian irfaniah sebagai berikut:

a. Takhliyah : pada tahap ini, peneliti mengkosongkan (tajarrud) perhatiannya dari makhluk dan memusatkan perhatian kepada (tawjih).

b. Tahliyah : pada tahap ini, peneliti memperbanyak amal sholeh dan melazimkan hubungan dengan al-Khaliq lewat ritus-ritus tertentu.

c. Tahliyah : pada tahap ini, peneliti menemukan jawaban batiniah terhadap persoalan-persoalan yang dihadapinya.

Paradigma irfaniyah juga mengenal teknik-teknik yang khusus. Ada tiga teknik penelitian irfaniyah :

a. Riyadah : rangkaian latihan dan ritus dengan penahapan dan prosedur tertentu.

b. Tariqah : di sini diartikan sebagai kehidupan jama’ah yang mengikuti aliran tasawuf yang sama.

c. Ijazah : dalam penelitian irfaniah, kehadiran guru sangat penting.

bayani adalah pendekatan dengan cara menganilis teks. Maka sumber epistemologi bayani adalah teks. Sumber teks dalam studi Islam dapat dikelompokkan menjadi dua, yakni : teks nash (al-Qur`an dan Sunnah Nabi Muhammad SAW) dan teks non-nash berupa karya para ulama. Adapun corak berpikir yang diterapkan dalam ilmu ini cenderung deduktif, yakni mencari (apa) isi dari teks (analisis content)

Burhan adalah pengetahuan yang diperoleh dari indera, percobaan dan hukum -hukum logika. Maksudnya bahwa untuk mengukur atau benarnya sesuatu adalah berdasarkan komponen kemampuan alamiah manusia berupa pengalaman dan akal tanpa teks wahyu suci, yang memuncukan peripatik. Maka sumber pengetahuan dengan nalar burhani adalah realitas dan empiris yang berkaitan dengan alam, social, dan humanities.

irfani adalah suatu pendekatan yang dipergunakan dalam kajian pemikiran Islam oleh para mutasawwifun dan 'arifun untuk mengeluarkan makna batin dari batin lafz dan 'ibarah; ia juga merupakan istinbat al-ma'rifah al-qalbiyyah dari Al-Qur'an.

Dalam teori epistemologi terdapat beberapa aliran. Aliran-aliran tersebut mencoba menjawab pertanyaan bagaimana manusia memperoleh pengetahuan. Pertama, golongan yang mengemukakan asal atau sumber pengetahuan yaitu aliran:

1. Rasionalisme, yaitu aliran yang mengemukakan, bahwa sumber pengetahuan manusia ialah pikiran, rasio dan jiwa.

2. Empirisme, yaitu aliran yang mengatakan bahwa pengetahuan manusia berasal dari pengalaman manusia itu sendiri, melalui dunia luar yang ditangkap oleh panca inderanya.

3. Kritisme (transendentalisme), yaitu aliran yang berpendapat bahwa pengetahuan manusia itu berasal dari dunia luar dan dari jiwa atau pikiran manusia sendiri.

Kedua, golongan yang mengemukakan hakikat pengetahuan manusia inklusif di dalamnya aliran-aliran:

1. Realisme, yaitu aliran yang berpendirian bahwa pengetahuan manusia adalah gambaran yang baik dan tepat tentang kebenaran. Dalam pengetahuan yang baik tergambar kebenaran seperti sesungguhnya.

2. Idealisme, yaitu aliran yang berpendapat bahwa pengetahuan hanyalah kejadian dalam jiwa manusia, sedangkan kanyataan yang diketahui manusia semuanya terletak di luar dirinya.[6]

Dengan demikian, pengertian epistemologi keilmuan Islam adalah merupakan asas mengenai cara bagaimana materi pengetahuan yang menjelaskan tentang keilmuan Islam dan beberapa aspek yang termasuk di dalamnya yang diperoleh dan disusun menjadi suatu tubuh pengetahuan yang meliputi sumber dan sarana untuk mencapai ilmu pengetahuan.

B. Model Pemikiran Epistemologi Keilmuan Islam

1. Model Berpikir Bayani

Secara bahasa, bayani bermakna sebagai penjelasan, pernyataan, ketetapan.[8] Sedangkan secara terminologis, bayani berarti pola pikir yang bersumber pada nash, ijma’, dan ijtihad. Jika dikaitkan dengan epistemologi, maka pengertiannya adalah studi filosofis terhadap struktur pengetahuan yang menempatkan teks (wahyu) sebagai sebuah kebenaran mutlak. Adapun akal hanya menempati tingkat sekunder dan bertugas hanya untuk menjelaskan teks yang ada.

Ditinjau dari perspektif sejarah, bayani sebetulnya sudah dimulai sejak pada masa awal Islam. Hanya saja pada masa awal ini, yang disebut dengan bayani belum merupakan sebuah upaya ilmiah dalam arti identifikasi keilmuan dan peletakan aturan penafsiran teks-teksnya, tetapi baru sekedar upaya penyebaran tradisi bayani saja.

Dalam tradisi keilmuan Islam, corak bayani sangat dominan. Dengan segala karakteristiknya, corak bayani bukanlah sebuah corak yang sempurna. Salah satu kelemahannya adalah kurang peduli terhadap isu-isu keagamaan yang bersifat konstektual. Padahal, jika ingin mengembangkan pola berfikir bayani, maka mau tidak mau harus menghubungkan dengan pola berfikir irfani dan burhani. Jika masing-masing tetap kokoh pada pendiriannya dan tidak mau membuka diri, berdialog, dan saling melengkapi satu sama lain, sulit rasanya studi Islam dan pengembangan ilmu-ilmu keislaman mampu menjawab tantangan kontemporer yang terus berkembang tiada henti.

Dalam tradisi bayani, otoritas kebenaran terletak pada teks (wahyu). Sementara akal menempati posisi sekunder. Tugas akal dalam konteks epistemologi bayani adalah menjelaskan teks-teks yang ada. Sementara bagaimana bagaimana implementasi ajaran teks tersebut dalam kehidupan konkret berada di luar kalkulasi epistemologi ini.[9]

Epitemologi Bayâni adalah pendekatan dengan cara menganalisis teks. Maka sumber epistemologi bayani adalah teks. Sumber teks dalam studi Islam dapat dikelompokkan secara umum menjadi dua, yakni:

a. Teks nash ( Al-Qur’an dan Sunnah Nabi Muhammad SAW)

b. Teks non nash berupa karya para ulama

Obyek kajian yang umum dengan pendekatan bayani adalah :

a. Gramatika dan sastra (nahwu dan balagah)

b. Hukum dan teori hukum (fiqh dan ushul fiqh)

c. Filologi

d. Teologi, dan

e. Dalam beberapa kasus di bidang ilmu-ilmu Al-Qur’an dan Hadist.[10]

Corak berfikir yang diterapkan dalam epistemologi bayani ini cenderung deduktif, yakni mencari (apa) isi dari teks (analisis content).

Sejak dari awal, pola pikir bayani lebih mendahulukan qiyas dan bukam mantiq lewat silogisme dan premis-premis logika. Epistemologi tekstual-lughawiyah lebih diutamakan daripada epistemologi kontekstual-bahtsiyyah maupun spiritualitas-irfaniyyah-batiniyyah. Di samping itu, nalar epistemologi bayani selalu mencurigai akal pikiran, karena dianggap akan menjauhi kebenaran tekstual. Sampai-sampai muncul kesimpulan bahwa wilayah kerja akal pikiran perlu untuk dibatasi sedemikian rupa dan perannya dialihkan menjadi pengatur dan pengekang hawa nafsu, bukannya untuk mencari sebab dan akibat lewat analisis keilmuan yang akurat.

Sistem epistemologi bayani ini menghasilkan suatu pakem kombinatif untuk menafsirkan wacana dan menentukan sarat-sarat produksi wacana. Konsep dasar sistem ini menggabungkan metode fiqh seperti yang dikembangkan oleh asy-Syafi’i, dengan metode retorika seperti yang dikembangkan oleh al-Jahiz. Sistem ini berpusat pada hubungan antara ungkapan dan makna.

Hasil akhirnya adalah sebuah teori pengetahuan yang dalam setiap levelnya bersifat bayani. Dalam logika internalnya, teori pengetahuan (epistemologi) ditentukan oleh konsep bayani yang termasuk gaya bahasa puitik, ungkapan oral, pemahaman, komunikasi, dan penangkapan secara penuh. Hal yang sama juga terdapat dalam ranah materi pengetahuan, yang terutama disusun dari al-Qur’an, hadits, tata bahasa, fiqh, serta prosa dan puisi Arab. Begitu juga dengan ranah ideologi, karena kekuatan otoritatif yang menetukan, yaitu dogma Islam, ada di belakang ranah ini. Oleh karena itu, sejak awal ada batasan atau larangan tertentu untuk menyamakan pengetahuan dengan keimanan kepada Tuhan. Sistem ini juga diterapkan dalam ranah epistemologi, di mana manusia dipahami sebagai makhluk yang diberkati kapasitas bayan dengan dua tipe “nalar”; pertama dalam bentuk bakat, dan yang lain adalah hasil pembelajaran.

Al-Jabiri menjelaskan bahwa sistem bayani dibangun oleh dua prinsip dasar. Pertama, prinsip diskontinyuitas atau keterpisahan, dan kedua, prinsip kontingensi atau kemungkinan. Prinsip-prinsip tersebut termanifestasi dalam teori substansi individu yang mempertahankan bahwa hubungan substansi sebuah individu (tubuh, tindakan, sensasi dan apapun yang terbentuk di dalamnya) didasarkan atas hubungan dan asosiasi yang kebetulan saja, tapi tidak memengaruhi dan berinteraksi. Teori ini sesungguhnya menafikan teori kausalitas atau ide tentang adanya hukum alam.[11]

2. Model Berpikir Burhani

Kata burhani diambil dari bahasa Arab, al-burhan yang berarti argumentasi yang kuat dan jelas. Sedangkan kata yang memiliki makna sama dengan al-burhan dalam bahasa Inggris adalah demonstration. Arti dari kata demonstration adalah berfikir sesuai dengan alur tertentu atau penalaran yang dapat dipertanggungjawabkan. Oleh karena itu, pengetahuan demonstratif merupakan pengetahuan yang integratif, sistemik, dan sistematis. Ciri daripada pengetahuan demonstratif ada tiga. Pertama, pokok bahasannya jelas dan pasti. Kedua, universal dan tidak partikular. Ketiga, memiliki peristilahan teknis tertentu.

Menurut Abid al-Jabiri, burhan dalam logika adalah aktivitas intelektual untuk membuktikan kebenaran suatu proposisi dengan cara konklusi atau deduksi. Sedangkan dalam pengertian umum, burhan merupakan semua aktivitas intelektual untuk membuktikan kebenaran suatu proposisi.[12] Istilah burhani juga dipakai dalam pengertian yang cukup beragam. Beberapa di antaranya; (1) cara atau jenis argumentasi; (2) argumen itu sendiri; (3) bukti yang terlihat dari suatu argumen yang menyakinkan.

Dalam bahasa lain, metode burhani atau demonstratif merupakan sebentuk inferensi rasional, yaitu penggalian premis-premis yang menghasilkan konklusi yang bernilai. Metode burhani atau demonstratif ini berasal dari filosof terkenal Yunani, yaitu Aristetoles. Apa yang dimaksudkan oleh Aristetoles dengan metode demonstratif ini adalah silogisme ilmiah, yaitu silogisme yang apabila seseorang memilikinya, maka orang tersebut akan memiliki pengetahuan. Menurut Aristetoles, silogisme merupakan seperangkat metode berfikir yang dengan silogisme tersebut, seseorang dapat menyimpulkan pengetahuan baru yang diperolehnya dari pengetahuan-pengetahuan sebelumnya.

Metode burhani pada dasarnya merupakan logika, atau metode penalaran rasional yang digunakan untuk menguji kebenaran dan kekeliruan dari suatu pernyataan atau teori ilmiah dan filosofis dengan memerhatikan keabsahan dan akurasi pengambilan sebuah kesimpulan ilmiah.

Tidak semua silogisme dapat disebut denga burhani atau demonstratif. Sebuah silogisme baru dikatakan sebagai demonstratif apabila premis-premisnya didasarkan bukan pada opini, melainkan didasarkan pada kebenaran yang telah teruji atau didasarkan kepada kebenaran utama. Ditinjau dari perspektif metodologi, burhani menggunakan logika (al-maqayis) sebagai metodologi.[13]

Sementara dalam pandangan filosof al-Farabi, metode al-burhaniyah (demonstrasi) merupakan metodologi yang super canggih dibandingkan dengan metodologi-metodologi lainnya, seperti metodologi dialektika (jadaliyah), dan metodologi retorika (khatabbiyah). Jika metode retorika dan dialektika dapat dikonsumsi oleh masyarakat umum, hal ini tidak berlaku bagi metode burhani. Burhani hanya mampu dikonsumsi oleh orang-orang tertentu.

Ilmu-ilmu yang muncul dari tradisi burhani disebut al-‘Ilm al-Husuli, yakni ilmu yang dikonsep, disusun, dan disistematiskan hanya melalui premis-premis logika. Metode burhani ini biasa digunakan dan dijumpai dalam filsafat paripatetik yang secara eksklusif mengandalkan deduksi rasional dengan menggunakan silogisme yang terdiri dari premis-premis dan konklusi. Metode ini dikembangkan oleh al-Kindi, al-Farabi, Ibn Sina dan Ibn Rusyd.

Berbeda dengan epistemologi bayani, epistemologi burhani menempatkan akal dalam otoritas kebenaran. Jika dalam epistemologi bayani setiap proses pemikiran pasti berangkat dari teks menuju makna, pada epistemologi burhani justru sebaliknya, yaitu makna lebih dulu lahir dari kata-kata.[14]

Maksud epistemologi Burhani adalah, bahwa untuk mengukur benar atau tidaknya sesuatu adalah dengan berdasarkan komponen kemampuan alamiyah manusia berupa pengalaman dan akal tanpa dasar teks wahyu suci, yang memunculkan peripatik. Maka sumber pengetahuan dengan nalar burhani adalah realitas dan empiris; alam, sosial, dan humanities. Artinya ilmu diperoleh sebagai hasil penelitian, hasil percobaan, hasil eksperimen, baik di laboratorium maupun di alam nyata, baik yang bersifat sosial maupun alam. Corak berfikir yang digunakan adalah induktif, yakni generalisasi dari hasil-hasil penelitian empiris.[15]

3. Model Berpikir Irfani

‘Irfan dalam bahasa Arab semakna dengan ma’rifah yang diartikan dengan al-‘ilm. Di kalangan sufi, kata ‘irfan dipergunakan untuk menunjukkan jenis pengetahuan yang tertinggi, yang dihadirkan ke dalam qalb dengan cara kasyf atau ilham. Di kalangan kaum sufi sendiri, ma’rifah diartikan sebagai pengetahuan langsung tentang Tuhan berdasarkan atas wahyu atau petunjuk Tuhan.

Dalam konteks pemaknaan terhadap ma’rifah, klasifikasi pengetahuan yang dilakukan oleh Dzu al-Nun al-Mishri menempatkan ma’rifah sebagai salah satu jenis pengetahuan khusus di kalangan sufi. Pengetahuan jenis ini, dalam pandangan Dzu al-Nun, yang disebut pengetahuan hakiki. Dzu al-Nun membagi pengetahuan kepada tiga jenis yakni; (1) pengetahuan orang awam yang menyatakan bahwa Tuhan itu Esa dengan perantaraan ucapan syahadat, (2) pengetahuan ulama yang menyatakan bahwa Tuhan itu Esa menurut logika akal, dan (3) pengetahuan para sufi yang menyatakan bahwa Tuhan itu Esa dengan perantaraan hati nurani. Pengetahuan jenis pertama dan kedua baru tahap ilmu, sedangkan pengetahuan ketiga adalah pengetahuan hakiki, yaitu ma’rifat.[16]

Irfani adalah pendekatan yang bersumber pada intuisi (kasf/ilham). Dari irfani muncul illuminasi. Prosedur penelitian irfaniah berdasarkan literatur tasawuf, secara garis besar langkah-langkah penelitian irfaniah sebagai berikut:

a. Takhliyah : pada tahap ini, peneliti mengkosongkan (tajarrud) perhatiannya dari makhluk dan memusatkan perhatian kepada (tawjih).

b. Tahliyah : pada tahap ini, peneliti memperbanyak amal sholeh dan melazimkan hubungan dengan al-Khaliq lewat ritus-ritus tertentu.

c. Tahliyah : pada tahap ini, peneliti menemukan jawaban batiniah terhadap persoalan-persoalan yang dihadapinya.

Paradigma irfaniyah juga mengenal teknik-teknik yang khusus. Ada tiga teknik penelitian irfaniyah :

a. Riyadah : rangkaian latihan dan ritus dengan penahapan dan prosedur tertentu.

b. Tariqah : di sini diartikan sebagai kehidupan jama’ah yang mengikuti aliran tasawuf yang sama.

c. Ijazah : dalam penelitian irfaniah, kehadiran guru sangat penting.

AlQur'an bicara tntang Utuhnya jasad Fir'aun ,ilmu modern Membenarkan!!

AlQur'an bicara tntang Utuhnya jasad Fir'aun ,ilmu modern MembenarkanDi dalam bukunya, “al-Qur’an Dan Ilmu Modern”, Dr Morris Bukay* menyingkap adanya kesesuaian antara informasi yang dipaparkan di dalam al-Qur’an mengenai nasib Fir’aunyang hidup pada masa nabi Musa (setelah ia tenggelam di laut) dan keberadaan jasadnya hinggahari ini sebagai tanda kebesaran Allah terhadap alam semesta ini.Dalam hal ini adalah firman AllahSWT, “Maka pada hari ini, Kami selamatkan badanmu supaya kamu dapat menjadi pelajaran bagi orang-orang yang datang kami mengerjakannya, dan supaya kamu berdua mempunyai kekuasaan di muka bumi? Kami tidak mempercayai kamu berdua.”(QS.Yunus:92) Dr Bukay melanjutkan, “Riwayat versi Taurat yang terkait dengan kisah keberangkatan bangsa Yahudi bersama Musa ASdari Mesir menguatkan analisa yang mengatakan bahwa Mineptah, pengganti Ramses II adalah Fir’aun Mesir di masa nabi Musa AS.

Penelitian medis terhadap mummi Mineptah mengemukakan kepada kita informasi penting lainnya mengenai apa kemungkinan penyebab kematian Fir’aun ini. Sesungguhnya Taurat menyebutkan, jasad Fir’aun tersebut ditelan laut, akan tetapi tidak memberikan rincian mengenai apa yang terjadi setelah itu. Sedangkan al-Qur’anmenyebutkan bahwa jasad Fir’aun yang dilaknat itu akan diselamatkan dari air sebagaimana yang tertera dalamayat di atas. Pemeriksaan medisterhadap mummi ini menunjukkan, jasad tersebut tidak berada dalam waktu yang lama di dalam air sebab tidak ada tanda-tanda ia mengalami kerusakan (pembusukan) total akibat terendam lama di dalam air.** Dr Morris telah menyebutkan, “Hasil-hasil beberapa penelitian medis mendukung analisa terdahulu. Pada tahun 1975, di Cairo berhasil dilakukan pengambilan salah satu sampel organ tubuh berkat bantuan berharga dari Prof Michfl Durigon. Pemeriksaan yang sangat teliti dengan microscop menunjukkan kondisi utuh yang sangat sempurna dari objek penelitian itu. Juga menunjukkanbahwa keutuhan yang sangat sempurna seperti ini tidak mungkin terjadi andai jasad tersebut berada (tenggelam) di dalam selama beberapa waktu, bahkan sekali pun ia berada untuk waktu yang sekian lama di luar air sebelum dilakukan langkah pengawetan pertama.

Kami sudah melakukan lebih dari itu dan menitikkan perhatian pada pencarian kemungkinan yang menjadi penyebab kematianFir’aun di mana dilakukan penelitian medis legal terhadap mummi tersebut berkat bantuan Ceccaldi, direktur laboratorium satelit udara di Paris dan Prof Durigon. Dalam pengecekan itu, tim medisberupaya mengetahui sebab di balik kematian ‘ekspress’ akibatadanya memar di bagian tengkorak kepala… Jelaslah, bahwa setiap penelitian-penelitian ini sangat sesuai dengan kisah-kisah yang terdapat di dalam kitab-kitab suci yang menyiratkan bahwa Fir’aun sudah mati saat ombak menelannya.***

Dr Bukay juga menjelaskan aspek kemukjizatan kisah ini dengan mengatakan, “Di zaman di mana al-Qur’an telah sampai kepada umat manusia melalui jalur Muhammad SAW, jasad-jasad setiap Fir’aun -yang di zaman modern ini orang-orang masih ragu apakah benar mereka memiliki hubungan dengan peristiwa keluarnya Musa AS ataukah tidak?- ternyata masih tersimpan di dekat beberapa kuburan di lembah raja-raja di Theeba di tebing lainnya dari sisi sungai Nil di hadapan kota al-Aqshar sekarang ini. Pada masa nabi Muhammad SAW,segala sesuatu tentang masalah ini masih misterius. Jasad-jasad ini belum tersingkap kecuali di penghujung abad 19 H.****

Dengan demikian, jasad Fir’aun Musa yang hingga saat ini masih dapat disaksikan dengan mata kepala dengan jelasdinilai sebagai persaksian materil atas jasad yang diawetkan milik seorang yang mengenal Musa AS, melawan semua permintaannya bahkan melakukan pengejaran atas pelariannya lalu mati di tengah aksi pengejaran itu. Allah menyelamatkan jasadnya dari kepunahan total agar menjadi pertanda kebesaran Allah bagi umat manusia sebagaimana yang disebutkan al-Qur’an al-Karim.*****

Informasi sejarah mengenai nasib jasad Fir’aun ini tidak adadalam pengetahuan manusia mana pun saat al-Qur’an diturunkan bahkan sampai beberapa abad setelah turunnya padahal ia telah dijelaskan di dalam Kitabullah sebelum lebih dari 1400-an tahun lalu. WALLAHU A’LAM * Dokter berkewarganegaraan Perancis, ahli bedah dan termasuk dokter paling terkenaldi Perancis. Ia memeluk Islam setelah melakukan penelitian secara mendalam terhadap al-Qur’an al-Karim dan kemukjizatan ilmiahnya ** al-Qur’an Wa al-‘Ilm al-Hadits, Dr Morris Bukay *** Kitab al-Qu’an Wa al-‘Ilm al-Mu’ashir, Dr Morris Bukay, (terjemah ke dalam bahasa Arab Dr Muhammad Khair al-Biqa’iy) **** Dirasah al-Kutub al-Muqaddasah Fi Dhaw’i al-Ma’arif al-Haditsah, Dr Morris Bukay, hal.269, Dar al-Ma’arif, Cet IV, 1977, dengan sedikit perubahan (dari asal versi bahasa Arabnya-red) ***** Ibid.

Ibn Maskawaih Orang yang Mengasaskan Teori Evolusi

Ibn Maskawaih Orang yang Mengasaskan Teori EvolusiIbn Maskawaih atau nama sebenarnya Abu Ali bin Ahmad bin Muhammad bin Yaakub bin Maskawaih merupakan ilmuwan Islam yang terpenting. Walaupun pemikiran falsafahnya tidak banyak dibicarakan tetapi beliau telah mengemukakan berbagai-bagai teori falsafah penting yang menjadi asas kepada pemikiran falsafah tokoh-tokoh selepasnya. Pandangannya mengenai manusia dan perkembangan masyarakat bukan sahaja menjadi asas pemikiran ke­pada ilmuwan Islam yang lain seperti Ibnu Khaldun dan Jamaluddin Al Rini tetapi juga para sarjana Barat. Teori evolusi yang dikemukakannya telah dijadikan sebagai bahan kajian oleh Charles Darwin yang kemudiannya menerbitkan buku Origin of Species mengenai kejadian dan asal-usul manusia. Dalam buku tersebut, Charles Darwin telah menyatakan bahawa manusia berkembang secara evolusi daripada spesies hidupan yang paling ringkas kepada yang kompleks. Perkembangan itu berlaku secara perlahan-lahan dan mengambil masa yang lama. Hasil daripada kajian dan pemerhatiannya terhadap pelbagai spesies hidupan dan fosil di beberapa buah benua, beliau akhirnya membuat keputusan bahawa manusia se­benarnya berasal daripada beruk melalui proses evolusi. Teori evolusinya telah menjadi kontroversi dan mendapat tentangan daripada pihak gereja kerana dia menafikan peranan Tuhan dalam menjadikan kehidupan di muka bumi ini. Namun begitu, teori berkenaan telah menjadikan Darwin terkenal dan dianggap sebagai pelopor teori evo­lusi yang digunakan oleh para sarjana dalam bidang antropologi dan sosiologi dalam menghuraikan sejarah serta perjalanan manusia serta perkembangan masyarakat.

Padahal teori evolusi telah lama digunakan oleh Ibn Maskawaih dalam kajiannya mengenai perabadan ma­nusia. Menurutnya, kecerdikan manusia tidaklah mengatasi kepintaran yang dimiliki oleh beruk. Tetapi manusia menjadi lebih cerdik kerana pengalaman yang mereka peroleh dalam kehidupan bermasyarakat. Bagi Ibn Maskawaih, manusia itu ialah sebuah dunia yang kecil dan padanya terdapat gambaran mengenai segala yang ada di dunia ini.
Setiap manusia mempunyai peranannya yang tersendiri sama ada sebagai individu ataupun anggota masyarakat. Pendapat beliau ini menepati "Teori Fungsi" yang dikemukakan oleh seorang ahli sosio­logi Perancis yang bernama Auguste Comte. Sekiranya setiap anggota masyarakat melaksanakan peranan dan fungsinya maka masyarakat itu akan berada dalam keadaan yang stabil dan bersatu padu serta membolehkannya berkembang dengan teratur.
Manakala sebarang gangguan terhadap fungsi itu akan mengakibatkan berlakunya konflik dan pergolakan dalam masyarakat. Secara tidak langsung akan membawa keruntuhan kepada masyarakat tersebut. Jadi, tidak keterlaluan kalau di katakan bahawa Ibn Maskawaih juga merupakan pengasas kepada Teori Fungsi yang digunakan oleh para penganalisis sosial yang menjalankan kajian tentang masyarakat kuno dan moden. Walaupun beliau terdidik dalam bidang perubatan, tetapi minatnya yang mendalam terhadap ilmu, telah mendorongnya mempelajari kesusasteraan, falsafah, kimia, bahasa, dan ilmu klasik yang lain.

Beliau menguasai dan mempunyai kepakaran setiap bidang yang dipelajarinya. Ibnu Maskawaih juga ahli sejarah dan ilmuwan akhlak yang handal. Semua ilmu pengetahuan itu tidak dipelajari sekaligus seperti yang sering dilakukan oleh sarjana Islam yang lain. Beliau mempelajarinya secara berperingkat-peringkat dan akhirnya mendapati bidang falsafah sesuai dengan dirinya sebagai seorang pemikir. Memulakan kerjayanya sebagai doktor sebelum dilantik menjadi setiausaha kepada beberapa orang menteri seperti Mueiz al Daulah. Pengalaman tersebut memberikan beliau peluang yang luas untuk mendampingi masyara­kat dan orang ramai.

Selepas kematian Mueiz, beliau dilantik oleh Menteri Ibnu Amid menja­di ketua perpustakaan. Kesempatan ini telah digunakan untuk menelaah berbagai-bagai buku yang ditulis oleh para ilmuwan Islam dan Yunani. Selepas itu, beliau dilantik pula sebagai Ketua Pemegang Amanah Khazanah yang bertanggungjawab menjaga Perpustakaan Malik Adhdud Daulah yang memerintah dari tahun 367-372H. Dengan pengetahuan dan pengalaman yang ada padanya, Ibn Muskawaih telah berjaya membina ketokohannya sebagai seorang ilmuwan yang mempunyai pengetahuan yang luas dalam pelbagai bidang.
Banyak teori telah dihasilkan oleh beliau dan tidak terbatas kepada bi­dang falsafah semata-mata. Beliau menulis berbagai-bagai kitab yang membicarakan pelbagai persoalan. Antaranya Kitab al-Fauz al-Saghir yang menumpukan pembicaraan kepada persoalan yang berkaitan dengan metafizik iaitu tentang Allah, kerasulan dan jiwa.

Kebanyakan pandangannya mengenai perkara ini disesuaikan daripada pandangan ahli falsafah Yunani. Kesan pemikiran falsafah Yunani terhadap Ibn Muskawaih dapat dilihat pada pan­dangannya mengenai jiwa. Semasa mengungkap persoalan ini, beliau menyatakan bahawa jiwa merupakan roh yang berlainan daripada tubuh dan tidak mungkin dapat dilihat dan disentuh oleh pancaindera. Baginya jiwa sesuatu yang da­pat menerima dua perkara pada satu masa yang sama seperti keadaan hitam dan putih pada satu waktu.

Beliau juga telah mengemukakan teori akhlak dalam kitabnya yang berjudul kitab Tahzib al-Akhlaq. Dalam kitab itu, beliau menyebut kemuncak akhlak ialah apabila lahirnya perbuatan-perbuatan baik yang dilakukan secara teratur. Oleh itu, akhlak yang baik hanya akan lahir daripada jiwa yang bersih dan begitu juga sebaliknya. Untuk mendapat jiwa yang bersih maka anak-anak sejak kecil lagi harus didedahkan de­ngan nilai-nilai yang baik. Nilai-nilai buruk pula hanya akan mengganggu proses tumbesaran dan menyebabkan mereka membesar tanpa menghiraukan tatasusila. Anak-anak perlu dilatih pada peringkat awal tumbesaran supaya bersikap dan bertindak mengikut nilai-nilai ini agar sebati de­ngan diri serta sanubari mereka.

Ibn Maskawaih turut menulis beberapa buah kitab yang lain seperti al'Adwiah al-Mufra-dah tentang ubat-ubatan, Uns al'Farid sebuah antologi cerpen, Tajarub al'Umarn sebuah catatan mengenai sejarah, al-Tabikh mengenai kaedah memasak, al'Asyribah yang membicarakan tentang minuman, al'Fauz al-Kabir, dan Tajrib al'Um. Berdasarkan banyak kitab yang ditulisnya maka ketokohannya sebagai ahli falsafah dan pengarang tidak dapat dinafikan. Idea dan pan­dangannya jelas mendahului zaman menjadikannya sebagai salah seorang ilmuwan serta sarjana Islam yang tiada tolok bandingan pada zamannya. Sesungguhnya Ibn Maskawaih yang dilahirkan pada 330H (941M) di Kota Rhages itu akan terus dikenang sebagai seorang ahli
fal­safah yang kaya dengan teori-teorinya.

Mangosteen benefits

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. Background Various diseases in the body caused by free radicals. Free radicals are atoms or groups which have one or more unpaired electrons. Free radicals are also found in the environment, some metals (eg iron and copper), cigarette smoke, drugs, packaged food, additives, and others (Droge, 2002). In protecting the body against free radicals, antioxidant substances serve to stabilize free radicals with a complete lack of electrons from free radicals that inhibit the chain reaction (Windono et al., 2001). According Windono et al. (2001), the antioxidant is a compound that can be used to protect foodstuffs by decelerating damage, rancidity, or discoloration caused by oxidation. Antioxidants are able to act as a hydrogen radical donor or acceptor can act as free radicals that can delay the initiation stage of the formation of free radicals. The presence of natural antioxidants (such as phenolic compounds) or synthetic, can inhibit lipid oxidation, prevent damage, alteration organic components in foodstuffs so that it can extend the shelf life (Rohdiana, 2001). Mangosteen is a fruit that is known to have many benefits in the treatment. Part of the mangosteen rind can be used as hypogycemic (antidiabetic effect, helps lower blood sugar) empirically. Traditionally the skin of the fruit is often used in traditional medicine such as diarrhea, dysentery, eczema and other skin diseases. Mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana L.) is a plant originating from the region of Southeast Asia including Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand and Myanmar. Mangosteen is a functional plants because most of these plants can be used as a drug. However, many do not know if the mangosteen rind has efficacy. The skin of the mangosteen fruit that had been discarded as waste after it is eating the meat of fruit, it has a myriad of important benefits for health. In the skin of the mangosteen fruit is rich in antioxidants such as xanthones and anthocyanins (Moongkandi, et al., 2004; Kristenses, 2005; Weecharangsan, et al., 2006; Hartanto 2011). In addition, some studies have also shown that the skin of the mangosteen fruit (Garcinia mangostana L.) contain compounds that have pharmacological activity and antioxidant. Such compounds including flavonoids, tannins and xanton (Ho et al., 2002; Jung et al., 2006; Moongkandi et al., 2004; Weecharangsan et al., 2006). B. Problem Formulation Based on the above it appears some problems such as: What is mangosteen fruit? How extraction methods mangosteen rind? How pharmacology and antioxidant activity of the extract of mangosteen rind? C. Purpose The purpose of this paper is: 1. To find out what the mangosteen fruit. 2. ffor know how extraction methods mangosteen rind. 3. To determine the pharmacological and antioxidant activity of extracts of mangosteen rind.

CHAPTER II LITERATURE REVIEW A. Description Mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana L.) 1. Plant Systematics Mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana L.) Division: Spermatophyta Subdivision: Angiospermae Class: Dicotyledonae Order: Guttiferanaless Family: Guttiferae Genus: Garcinia Species: Garcinia mangostana L. (Rukmana, 1995) 2. Region name Manggis is called by various names such as Manggu local (West Java), Manggus (Lampung), manggusto (North Sulawesi), manggista (West Sumatra) (Anonymous, 2000). 3. Morphology Mangosteen including annual crops (perennial) that its life can reach tens of years. Rod-shaped mangosteen trees, woody, growing straight up until it reaches a height of 25 meters or more. The bark is rough and brownish. Branching plants are generally symmetrical form a canopy of lush and shady like a pyramid. Mangosteen leaves are round to oval-egg-length, single and short-stemmed growth once without Stipule (stipulae). The structure of the leaf blade is thick with upper surface shiny green, while the lower surface yellowish green color (Rukmana, 1995). 4. Chemical Ingredients According to research Jung et al. (2006) and Suksamran et al. (2002) the main component contained in the skin of the mangosteen fruit is xanton. Xanton is a compound composed of a tricyclic aromatic rings substituted with an assortment of phenolic groups, methoxy, and isoprene (Walker, 2007). Bark, fruit, and dried latex contains a number of Garcinia mangostana L. yellow dye derived from two metabolites that mangostin and β-mangostin (Sudarsono et al., 2002). Xanton other derivative compound is 9-hydroxycalabaxanthone, 3-isomangostin, gartanin, 8- desoxygartanin (Walker, 2007), γ-mangostin and methoxy-β- mangostin (Akao et al., 2008). The compound α-mangostin the compound is mostly found in the skin of the mangosteen fruit (Jung et al., 2006). Xanton chemical structure and its derivatives (Walker, 2007) 5. Benefits Plant According to Sudarsono et al., (2002) the mangosteen fruit is used to treat diarrhea, inflammation of the tonsils, vaginal discharge, dysentery, hemorrhoids, ulcers and toothache. Skin of the fruit is used to treat ulcers, dysentery, sore muscles, constipation. Methanol extract of mangosteen rind has the effect antiploriferatif and potent antioxidants (Moongkarndi et al, 2004). Xanton compounds contained in the skin of the mangosteen fruit can inhibit the growth of breast cancer cells, epidermoid carcinoma, small cell lung cancer and hepatocellular carcinoma (Obolskiy et al., 2009). Xanton compounds in the skin of the mangosteen fruit can inhibit the growth of colon cancer cells DLD-1 with IC50 values ​​methoxy-β-mangostin & lt; β-mangostin & lt; α-mangostin & lt; γ-mangostin (Akao et al, 2008). The study by Matsumoto et al (2003) suggest that α-mangostin contained in mangosteen rind has a 6 antiploriferatif activity against HL60 leukemia cells by inducing apoptosis. According to research Jung et al. (2006), α-mangostin has antibacterial activity against Mycobacterium tuberculosis with IC50 values ​​of 6.25 ug / ml, and have antioxidant activity with IC50 value of 1.0 ug / ml. B. The compound α-α-mangostin mangostin compound is the compound is mostly found in the skin of the mangosteen fruit (Figure 2). The compound α-mangostin an amorphous yellow crystals which have a melting point 180-182oC. Uptake was high in the UV region at wavelengths of 215, 243 and 317 nm (Ee et al., 2005). The compound α-mangostin tend to be non-polar, so it will be easily dissolved in solvents which are non polar, such as hexane (Walker, 2007). The chemical structure of α-mangostin (Walker, 2007) Assay of α-mangostin can be done using TLC and HPLC. Methods TLC using chloroform mobile phase: ethyl acetate: methanol (80: 10: 5), with a stationary phase silica gel 60F245, UV detection at 366 nm and obtained α-mangostin HRF price amounting to 50.0 (Pothitirat and Gritsanapan, 2008). HPLC method using a mobile phase of 0.1% phosphoric acid: acetonitrile with C18 stationary phase (Pothitirat and Gritsanapan, 2009). Research that has been conducted Walker (2007) by the HPLC method using a mobile phase of methanol: 0.1% formic acid in water (75:25) can separate compounds xanton compound found in mangosteen. C. Forms of preparations Herbal preparations are preparations herbal traditional medicine made in a simple manner such as infusion, decoction, and in part derived from botanicals. Simplicia is a natural substance in the form of a whole plant, plant part or exudates of plants used as medicine, and has not undergone processing in a simple and yet a pure substance unless otherwise stated, in the form of material that has dried (MOH, 2000). The dosage forms of medicinal plants that have long been used, among others: 1. infuse infusion is a liquid preparation made with quote simplisia vegetable with water at a temperature of 90 ° C for 15 minutes (MOH RI, 1979). Infundation is penyarian process that is generally used to sum up the content of the active substance is soluble in water than plant-based ingredients (MOH, 1986). Making infuse the simplest way to make a herbal preparation of soft material such as leaves and flowers (MOH RI, 2000). 2. decoction decoction is a liquid preparation made by extracting herbal preparations with water at a temperature of 90 ° C for 30 minutes (MOH RI, 2000). 3. Making preparations tea tea for medicinal purposes as much done based on the experience in the manufacture of infusion were performed on black tea as a beverage (MOH RI, 2000). Some things need to be considered in the preparation of tea are: the number of bulbs and water, and the degree of fineness simplisia. Total crude drug dose expressed in grams and water in ml dose. While the degree of gloss to the wood, bark and roots chopped a bit rough with a size of approximately 2.5 mm (MOH RI, 2000). CHAPTER III DISCUSSION A. Definition Mangosteen Fruit Mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana L.) is a plant originating from the region of Southeast Asia including Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand and Myanmar. Mangosteen is a functional plants because most of these plants can be used as a drug. However, many do not know if the mangosteen rind has efficacy. The skin of the mangosteen fruit that had been discarded as waste after it is eating the meat of fruit, it has a myriad of important benefits for health. In the skin of the mangosteen fruit is rich in antioxidants such as xanthones and anthocyanins (Moongkandi, et al., 2004; Kristenses, 2005; Weecharangsan, et al., 2006; Hartanto 2011). The mangosteen fruit is round and dark purple color because it contains a lot of anthocyanins in the skin (Obolskiy et al., 2009). In the fruit pulp are 5-6. Have 1-3 seeds, seed membrane thick juicy, white and edible. Mangosteen tree has a root fibers. On the following pages viewable image of the mangosteen fruit crops. The skin of the mangosteen fruit contains compounds that have pharmacological activity as anti-inflammatory, antihistamine, antibacterial, antifungal, cancer, hypertension, stroke and HIV therapy. Some of the main compounds of the content of mangosteen rind has a class of pharmacological activity xanton (Nugroho, 2009). Besides According Polytechnic full education website competition (2010), mangosteen rind is also used to treat ulcers, dysentery, sore muscles, constipation, and even Anti-fatigue (energize), Anti-oxidant (removing toxins from the body), Anti-seborrheaic (menpercantik skin), Anti-obesity (to lose weight), Anti-glaucomic (sore eye / glaucoma). B. Methods of Extraction The extraction process is done by stopping the enzyme activity in plant tissue beforehand to prevent oxidation or hydrolysis enzyme (Harborne, 1987). Extraction activity in the form of withdrawal of chemical compounds that can dissolve so that apart from the insoluble material with a liquid solvent. By knowing the active compounds contained in crude drugs would facilitate the choice of solvent and extraction right (DITJEN POM, 2000). Making extract in this study using maceration method. Maceration can be done by including 10 parts simplisia with degrees delicate that fit into the vessel, covered with 75 parts liquid penyari, closed, left for 5 days protected from light while stirring often, serkai, wring it out, wash the pulp with liquid penyari sufficient to obtain 100 part. Move into the closed vessel, leave in a cool place, protected from light, for 2 days. Enap pour or strain (Pharmacopoeia, 1979). C. Pharmacological Activities And Antioxidants Utilization mangosteen rind has actually been done long ago. The skin of the mangosteen fruit is traditionally used on a variety of treatment in the State of India, Sri rare Myanmar, and Thailand (Mahabusarakam et al., 1987). Broadly, the Thai people take advantage of mangosteen rind for the treatment of canker sores, dysentery, cystitis, diarrhea, gonorrhea, and eczema (ICUC, 2003). In the modern era, the use of mangosteen kuliat widely in the country sparked the interest of scientists for investigating and developing lembih keberkhasiatan further scientific aspects of the mangosteen rind. Many studies have proven the efficacy of mangosteen rind, and are even finding compounds that are responsible for these effects. The following will be presented a discussion of the pharmacological effects of mangosteen rind. 1. Activities antihistamine in allergic reactions, the main component of which took Beran important mast cells, and their mediators, namely the release of histamine and serotonin. Allergies are caused by the immune response to an antigen or allergen interacts with B lymphocytes to produce immunoglobulin E (IgE). Imunoglubulin E produced then attaches itself to the receptor FcεRI on the surface of mast cell membrane. Upon their return interaction between antigen-antibody, will stimulate mast cells to release histamine (Kresno, 2001; Subowo, 1993). Associated with allergic reactions or the release of histamine, Chairungsrilerd et al. (1996a, 1996b, 1998) to test the methanol extract of mangosteen rind to the contraction of isolated rabbit aorta chest induced by histamine and serotonin. From the analysis of the active components of the result of the continued fraction silica gel chromatography, indicating that the active compound is alpha and gamma mangostin. Alpha mangostin itself able to demonstrate the inhibitory activity contracted guinea pig isolated trachea and aorta piston isolated rabbit, induced cimetidine, histamine H2 receptor antagonists. However, these compounds do not show activity on the contraction induced karbakol, phenylephrine and KCl. Alpha mangostin was also able to inhibit binding of [3H] mepyramine against arta smooth muscle cells of rats. The latter compound is a specific antagonist for histamine H1 receptor. From the analysis of the kinetics of binding of [3H] mepyramine megnindikasikan that competitively inhibit alpha mangostin. This study suggests that alpha-mangostin is categorized as any blocks H1 receptors histaminergik particular, while gamma mangostin as any blocks serotonergic receptors, especially the 5-hydroxytryptamine 2A or 5HT2A. Furthermore, Nakatani et al. (2002a) conducted research into the mechanism toward the mangosteen rind extract. In the study of mangosteen peel extract is: 100% ethanol, 70%, 40%, and water, tested against prostaglandin E2 synthesis and release of histamine. 40% ethanol extract showed the most potent effect in inhibiting histamine release from RBL 2H3- cell-mediated IgE. All mangosteen rind extract capable of inhibiting the synthesis of PGE2 from rat glioma cells induced Ca2 + ionophore A23187. In the passive cutaneous anaphylaxis reaction, all of mangosteen peel extract also shows the inhibitory activity of the reaction. From this study, 40% ethanol extract of mangosteen is the most potent in inhibiting PGE2 synthesis and release of histamine. 2. Anti-inflammatory Activity Research on anti-inflammatory activity of mangosteen rind until now only performed on the stages of in vitro and in vivo to a new stage in the study with rats induced karagenen method. From the research results suggested that compounds that have anti-inflammatory activity is gamma-mangostin. Gamma-mangostin is xanton diprenilasi tetraoksigenasi form, the chemical structure can be seen in Fig. Nakatni et al. (2002b) conducted a study of anti-inflammatory activity in vitro of gamma mangostin against PGE2 synthesis and cyclooxygenase (COX) in rat C6 glioma cells. Both the compound and the enzyme is an important mediator in the inflammatory reaction. Gamma-mangostin potently inhibit the release of PGE2 in rat C6 glioma cells induced Ca2 + ionophore A23187. Gammamangostin inhibit the conversion of arachidonic acid to PGE2 in the microsomal, there is a possibility of cyclooxygenase inhibition on track. In experiments in vitro enzymatic, this compound is able to inhibit the activity of the enzyme COX-1 and COX-2. However, these compounds have no significant effect on: (1) phosphorylation signal ekstraseuler p42 / p44 induced A23187, which regulates activated protein kinase kinase / mitogen, and (2) release of [14C] arachidonic -asam of cells labeled [14C ] the Aa. From this study, gamma mangostin has anti-inflammatory activity by inhibiting the activity of cyclooxygenase (COX). Furthermore, Nakatani et al. (2004) analyzed the effect of gamma-mangostin against COX-2 gene expression in rat C6 glioma cells. Gamma mangostin inhibits protein and mRNA expression of COX-2 induced by lipopolysaccharide, but no effect on protein expression of COX-1. Lipopolysaccharide serves to stimulate phosphorylation inhibitor kappaB (IkappaB) mediated IkappaB kinase, which then further degradation and induces nuclear translocation of NF-kappaB ligand that activates gene transcription of COX-2. In connection with that, it also inhibits gamma mangostin IkappaB kinase activity and decreases degradation IkappaB and LPS-induced phosphorylation. In luciferase reporter assay, the compound lowering the NF-kappaB activation induced by LPS and the process of gene transcription of COX-2-dependent gene promoter region of human COX-2. The findings are supported by the results of in vivo studies, gamma mangostin could inhibit inflammation-induced edema in rats karagenen. From this research can be made resume: gamma mangostin directly inhibit the enzyme activity Ikappa B kinase, to then prevent the COX-2 gene transcription (NFkappaB target genes), decrease the production of PGE2 in the inflammatory process. 3. Anti-oxidant Activity In Moongkarndi et al. (2004) reported that extracts of mangosteen rind potential as antioxidants. Furthermore, Weecharangsan et al. (2006) follow up on these results with the research activities of some antioxidant extracts of mangosteen rind is extract the water, 50 and 95% ethanol, and ethyl acetate. The method used is penangkatapan free radical 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl. The results showed that all extracts have potential as free-radical scavengers, and water and ethanol extracts have greater potential. In connection with the antioxidant activity, the extracts were also able to demonstrate neuroprotective activity in cells NG108-15. Along with these results, Jung et al. (2006) conducted a study of antioxidant activity of all compounds contains mangosteen rind, minus mangostingon. From the results of the screening antioxidant activity of these compounds, which show potent activity are: 8-hidroksikudraxanton, gartanin, alpha-mangostin, gamma-mangostin and smeathxanton A. 4. Anticancer activity To date, cancer treatment is still unsatisfactory. Therefore, the study of cancer drug discovery are still intensively conducted. One of the medicinal plants that become the object of study is the mangosteen rind. Ho et al. (2002) managed to isolate and test compounds xanton cytotoxicity effects on liver cancer cell line. Based on these studies, a compound garsinon E showed the most potent cytotoxicity activity. Sementra it, Moongkarndi et al. (2004) reported that the methanol extract of mangosteen rind menunjukka highly potent activity in inhibiting the proliferation of breast cancer cells SKBR3, and showed apoptotic activity. On the other hand, Matsumoto et al. (2003) conducted a similar test that is anti-proliferative activity and apoptosis in human leukemia HL60 cell growth. Hasl In contrast to previous studies, alpha-mangostin showed anti-proliferative activity and apoptosis terpoten xanton among other compounds. In 2004, Matsumoto et al. The study went on to study the mechanism of apoptosis of alfamangostin. The compounds are able to activate the apoptotic enzyme caspase-3 and -9, but not in caspase-8. Alpha mangostin allegedly mem-mediated mitochondrial apoptosis pathway, is based on the change in the mitochondria after treatment of these compounds for 1-2 hours. Mitochondrial changes include: swelling of cells, reduced membrane potential, decrease in intracellular ATP, the accumulation of reactive oxygen species (ROS), and the release of c / AIF cytochrome cells. However, alpha-mangostin not affect the expression of bcl-2 family proteins and activation of MAP kinase. The results of these studies indicate that the target of the action of alpha-mangostin is the mitochondria in the early phase resulting in apoptosis in human leukemia cell line. From the structure activity relationship studies, the hydroxy group has contributed greatly to the apoptotic activity. Continuing the above findings, Nabandith et al. (2004) conducted a study in vivo chemopreventive activity of alpha-mangostin in lesions preneoplastik putative involved in colon carcinogenesis rats, induced a 1.2-dimetilhidrazin (DMH). Giving these compounds for 4-5 weeks, inhibit the induction and development of aberrant crypt foci (ACF), lowering dysplastic foci (DF) and betacatenin accumulated crypts (BCAC). On the nuclear antigen labeling of cells undergoing proliferation, these compounds reduce the occurrence of focal lesions and rat colonic epithelium. 5. Activities Antimikroorganisme Besides having some pharmacological activity as above, mangosteen rind also showed activity antimikroorganisme. Suksamrarn et al. (2003) with his team from Thailand, conduct research into the potential antituberkulosa of prenylated xanton compound isolated from the skin of the mangosteen fruit. As in the previous study, alpha mangostin, gamma-mangostin and garsinon B also showed the most potent activity in this experiment. All these compounds inhibit strong against Mycobacterium tuberculosis. The findings are followed up by researchers from Osaka, Japan, Sakagami et al. (2005). Focus on alpha-mangostin, this time the compound was isolated from the bark of the tree to obtain a large amount. Alfa mangostin active against enterococci and Staphylococcus aureus bacteria were respectively resistant and methicillin vancomisin. This was reinforced by the activity of synergism with some antibiotics (gentamicin and vancomisin) against both bacteria. Meanwhile, Mahabusarakam et al. (2006) conducted a test group xanton including mangostin, in Plasmodium falciparum. The results showed that mangostin has the effect antiplasmodial middle level, while xanton prenylated which has extremely potent inhibiting alkylamino group. 6. Other activities have already mentioned that alpha-mangostin has antioxidant activity and free radical scavengers. In connection with these facts, alpha-mangostin could inhibit the oxidation of low density lipoprotein (LDL), which was instrumental in atherosclerosis (William et al., 1995). While Mahabusarakam et al. (2000) reported that xanton prenylated can also inhibit the oxidation of LDL. Research lainnnya, mangostin reported to inhibit the potent against HIV-1 protease (Chen et al., 1996). Meanwhile, Gopalakrishnan et al. (1997) reported that the compound xanton mangostin from mangosteen fruit kuliat capable of inhibiting the growth of pathogenic fungi: Fusarium oxysporum vasinfectum, Alternaria tenuis, and Dreschlera oryzae. CHAPTER IV CLOSING A. Conclusion Based on the above presentation, it can be concluded that: 1. The mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana L.) is one of the plants used as traditional medicine. The skin of the mangosteen fruit is used to treat ulcers, dysentery, sore muscles and constipation. 2. Extraction of the withdrawal activity of chemical compounds that can dissolve so that apart from the insoluble material with a liquid solvent. By knowing the active compounds contained in crude drugs would facilitate the choice of solvent and extraction right (DITJEN POM, 2000). 3. The pharmacological activity contained in extracts of mangosteen rind including anti-inflammatory, antihistamine, treatment of heart disease, antibacterial, antifungal even for the treatment or therapy of HIV disease. The most active compounds in the skin of the mangosteen fruit is alpha-mangostin, gammamangostin and garsinon-EB Suggestion that I can say is: 1. Further studies should be conducted to examine the pharmacological effects of extracts of mangosteen rind with increasing concentration. 2. We recommend testing the toxicity of extract of mangosteen rind. REFERENCES Dungir, Stevi G., et al., 2012, Phenolic Antioxidant Activity of Skin Extract Mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana L.), the journal of Science Unsrat Online, volume 1, number 1, Department of Chemistry, Science Faculty, Unsrat, Manado. Indharini, Ulfah, 2010, Determination of Levels of Α-Mangostin In infuse Dry Skin Mangosteen (Garcinia Mangostana L.), thesis. Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Muhammadiyah Surakarta, Surakarta. Manurung, Sondra, et al., 2012, the Securities Antihiperglikemia of Extract Skin Mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana l.) Against Rats Male Strain Wistar (Rattus norvegicus l.) Induced by Sucrose, research, Laboratory of Pharmacy, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Sam Ratulangi, Manado. Nugroho. Great. Endro. 2009. Mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana L.): Skin Fruit Of The Wasted Up Being A Drug Candidates. Laboratory of Pharmacology and Toxicology, Section of Pharmacology and Clinical Pharmacy, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Gadjah Mada. Jogjakarta. Pasaribu, Hidayani, et al., 2012, Ethanol Extracts Test Skin Mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana L.) Against Decrease Blood Glucose. Journal of Pharmaceutics and Pharmacology, Volume 1, Number 1, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of North Sumatra, North Sumatra. Xanton is a compound composed of a tricyclic aromatic rings substituted with an assortment of phenolic groups, methoxy, and isoprene (Walker, 2007). Bark, fruit, and dried latex contains a number of Garcinia mangostana L. yellow dye derived from two metabolites that mangostin and β-mangostin (Sudarsono et al., 2002). Xanton other derivative compound is 9-hydroxycalabaxanthone, 3-isomangostin, gartanin, 8- desoxygartanin (Walker, 2007), γ-mangostin and methoxy-β- mangostin (Akao et al., 2008). The compound α-mangostin the compound is mostly found in the skin of the mangosteen fruit (Jung et al., 2006). Xanton chemical structure and its derivatives (Walker, 2007) 5. Benefits Plant According to Sudarsono et al., (2002) the mangosteen fruit is used to treat diarrhea, inflammation of the tonsils, vaginal discharge, dysentery, hemorrhoids, ulcers and toothache. Skin of the fruit is used to treat ulcers, dysentery, sore muscles, constipation. Methanol extract of mangosteen rind has the effect antiploriferatif and potent antioxidants (Moongkarndi et al, 2004). Xanton compounds contained in the skin of the mangosteen fruit can inhibit the growth of breast cancer cells, epidermoid carcinoma, small cell lung cancer and hepatocellular carcinoma (Obolskiy et al., 2009). Xanton compounds in the skin of the mangosteen fruit can inhibit the growth of colon cancer cells DLD-1 with IC50 values ​​methoxy-β-mangostin & lt; β-mangostin & lt; α-mangostin & lt; γ-mangostin (Akao et al, 2008). The study by Matsumoto et al (2003) suggest that α-mangostin contained in mangosteen rind has a 6 antiploriferatif activity against HL60 leukemia cells by inducing apoptosis. According to research Jung et al. (2006), α-mangostin has antibacterial activity against Mycobacterium tuberculosis with IC50 values ​​of 6.25 ug / ml, and have antioxidant activity with IC50 value of 1.0 ug / ml. B. The compound α-α-mangostin mangostin compound is the compound is mostly found in the skin of the mangosteen fruit (Figure 2). The compound α-mangostin an amorphous yellow crystals which have a melting point 180-182oC. Uptake was high in the UV region at wavelengths of 215, 243 and 317 nm (Ee et al., 2005). The compound α-mangostin tend to be non-polar, so it will be easily dissolved in solvents which are non polar, such as hexane (Walker, 2007). The chemical structure of α-mangostin (Walker, 2007) Assay of α-mangostin can be done using TLC and HPLC. Methods TLC using chloroform mobile phase: ethyl acetate: methanol (80: 10: 5), with a stationary phase silica gel 60F245, UV detection at 366 nm and obtained α-mangostin HRF price amounting to 50.0 (Pothitirat and Gritsanapan, 2008). HPLC method using a mobile phase of 0.1% phosphoric acid: acetonitrile with C18 stationary phase (Pothitirat and Gritsanapan, 2009). Research that has been conducted Walker (2007) by the HPLC method using a mobile phase of methanol: 0.1% formic acid in water (75:25) can separate compounds xanton compound found in mangosteen. C. Forms of preparations Herbal preparations are preparations herbal traditional medicine made in a simple manner such as infusion, decoction, and in part derived from botanicals. Simplicia is a natural substance in the form of a whole plant, plant part or exudates of plants used as medicine, and has not undergone processing in a simple and yet a pure substance unless otherwise stated, in the form of material that has dried (MOH, 2000). The dosage forms of medicinal plants that have long been used, among others: 1. infuse infusion is a liquid preparation made with quote simplisia vegetable with water at a temperature of 90 ° C for 15 minutes (MOH RI, 1979). Infundation is penyarian process that is generally used to sum up the content of the active substance is soluble in water than plant-based ingredients (MOH, 1986). Making infuse the simplest way to make a herbal preparation of soft material such as leaves and flowers (MOH RI, 2000). 2. decoction decoction is a liquid preparation made by extracting herbal preparations with water at a temperature of 90 ° C for 30 minutes (MOH RI, 2000). 3. Making preparations tea tea for medicinal purposes as much done based on the experience in the manufacture of infusion were performed on black tea as a beverage (MOH RI, 2000). Some things need to be considered in the preparation of tea are: the number of bulbs and water, and the degree of fineness simplisia. Total crude drug dose expressed in grams and water in ml dose. While the degree of gloss to the wood, bark and roots chopped a bit rough with a size of approximately 2.5 mm (MOH RI, 2000). CHAPTER III DISCUSSION A. Definition Mangosteen Fruit Mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana L.) is a plant originating from the region of Southeast Asia including Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand and Myanmar. Mangosteen is a functional plants because most of these plants can be used as a drug. However, many do not know if the mangosteen rind has efficacy. The skin of the mangosteen fruit that had been discarded as waste after it is eating the meat of fruit, it has a myriad of important benefits for health. In the skin of the mangosteen fruit is rich in antioxidants such as xanthones and anthocyanins (Moongkandi, et al., 2004; Kristenses, 2005; Weecharangsan, et al., 2006; Hartanto 2011). The mangosteen fruit is round and dark purple color because it contains a lot of anthocyanins in the skin (Obolskiy et al., 2009). In the fruit pulp are 5-6. Have 1-3 seeds, seed membrane thick juicy, white and edible. Mangosteen tree has a root fibers. On the following pages viewable image of the mangosteen fruit crops. The skin of the mangosteen fruit contains compounds that have pharmacological activity as anti-inflammatory, antihistamine, antibacterial, antifungal, cancer, hypertension, stroke and HIV therapy. Some of the main compounds of the content of mangosteen rind has a class of pharmacological activity xanton (Nugroho, 2009). Besides According Polytechnic full education website competition (2010), mangosteen rind is also used to treat ulcers, dysentery, sore muscles, constipation, and even Anti-fatigue (energize), Anti-oxidant (removing toxins from the body), Anti-seborrheaic (menpercantik skin), Anti-obesity (to lose weight), Anti-glaucomic (sore eye / glaucoma). B. Methods of Extraction The extraction process is done by stopping the enzyme activity in plant tissue beforehand to prevent oxidation or hydrolysis enzyme (Harborne, 1987). Extraction activity in the form of withdrawal of chemical compounds that can dissolve so that apart from the insoluble material with a liquid solvent. By knowing the active compounds contained in crude drugs would facilitate the choice of solvent and extraction right (DITJEN POM, 2000). Making extract in this study using maceration method. Maceration can be done by including 10 parts simplisia with degrees delicate that fit into the vessel, covered with 75 parts liquid penyari, closed, left for 5 days protected from light while stirring often, serkai, wring it out, wash the pulp with liquid penyari sufficient to obtain 100 part. Move into the closed vessel, leave in a cool place, protected from light, for 2 days. Enap pour or strain (Pharmacopoeia, 1979). C. Pharmacological Activities And Antioxidants Utilization mangosteen rind has actually been done long ago. The skin of the mangosteen fruit is traditionally used on a variety of treatment in the State of India, Sri rare Myanmar, and Thailand (Mahabusarakam et al., 1987). Broadly, the Thai people take advantage of mangosteen rind for the treatment of canker sores, dysentery, cystitis, diarrhea, gonorrhea, and eczema (ICUC, 2003). In the modern era, the use of mangosteen kuliat widely in the country sparked the interest of scientists for investigating and developing lembih keberkhasiatan further scientific aspects of the mangosteen rind. Many studies have proven the efficacy of mangosteen rind, and are even finding compounds that are responsible for these effects. The following will be presented a discussion of the pharmacological effects of mangosteen rind. 1. Activities antihistamine in allergic reactions, the main component of which took Beran important mast cells, and their mediators, namely the release of histamine and serotonin. Allergies are caused by the immune response to an antigen or allergen interacts with B lymphocytes to produce immunoglobulin E (IgE). Imunoglubulin E produced then attaches itself to the receptor FcεRI on the surface of mast cell membrane. Upon their return interaction between antigen-antibody, will stimulate mast cells to release histamine (Kresno, 2001; Subowo, 1993). Associated with allergic reactions or the release of histamine, Chairungsrilerd et al. (1996a, 1996b, 1998) to test the methanol extract of mangosteen rind to the contraction of isolated rabbit aorta chest induced by histamine and serotonin. From the analysis of the active components of the result of the continued fraction silica gel chromatography, indicating that the active compound is alpha and gamma mangostin. Alpha mangostin itself able to demonstrate the inhibitory activity contracted guinea pig isolated trachea and aorta piston isolated rabbit, induced cimetidine, histamine H2 receptor antagonists. However, these compounds do not show activity on the contraction induced karbakol, phenylephrine and KCl. Alpha mangostin was also able to inhibit binding of [3H] mepyramine against arta smooth muscle cells of rats. The latter compound is a specific antagonist for histamine H1 receptor. From the analysis of the kinetics of binding of [3H] mepyramine megnindikasikan that competitively inhibit alpha mangostin. This study suggests that alpha-mangostin is categorized as any blocks H1 receptors histaminergik particular, while gamma mangostin as any blocks serotonergic receptors, especially the 5-hydroxytryptamine 2A or 5HT2A. Furthermore, Nakatani et al. (2002a) conducted research into the mechanism toward the mangosteen rind extract. In the study of mangosteen peel extract is: 100% ethanol, 70%, 40%, and water, tested against prostaglandin E2 synthesis and release of histamine. 40% ethanol extract showed the most potent effect in inhibiting histamine release from RBL 2H3- cell-mediated IgE. All mangosteen rind extract capable of inhibiting the synthesis of PGE2 from rat glioma cells induced Ca2 + ionophore A23187. In the passive cutaneous anaphylaxis reaction, all of mangosteen peel extract also shows the inhibitory activity of the reaction. From this study, 40% ethanol extract of mangosteen is the most potent in inhibiting PGE2 synthesis and release of histamine. 2. Anti-inflammatory Activity Research on anti-inflammatory activity of mangosteen rind until now only performed on the stages of in vitro and in vivo to a new stage in the study with rats induced karagenen method. From the research results suggested that compounds that have anti-inflammatory activity is gamma-mangostin. Gamma-mangostin is xanton diprenilasi tetraoksigenasi form, the chemical structure can be seen in Fig. Nakatni et al. (2002b) conducted a study of anti-inflammatory activity in vitro of gamma mangostin against PGE2 synthesis and cyclooxygenase (COX) in rat C6 glioma cells. Both the compound and the enzyme is an important mediator in the inflammatory reaction. Gamma-mangostin potently inhibit the release of PGE2 in rat C6 glioma cells induced Ca2 + ionophore A23187. Gammamangostin inhibit the conversion of arachidonic acid to PGE2 in the microsomal, there is a possibility of cyclooxygenase inhibition on track. In experiments in vitro enzymatic, this compound is able to inhibit the activity of the enzyme COX-1 and COX-2. However, these compounds have no significant effect on: (1) phosphorylation signal ekstraseuler p42 / p44 induced A23187, which regulates activated protein kinase kinase / mitogen, and (2) release of [14C] arachidonic -asam of cells labeled [14C ] the Aa. From this study, gamma mangostin has anti-inflammatory activity by inhibiting the activity of cyclooxygenase (COX). Furthermore, Nakatani et al. (2004) analyzed the effect of gamma-mangostin against COX-2 gene expression in rat C6 glioma cells. Gamma mangostin inhibits protein and mRNA expression of COX-2 induced by lipopolysaccharide, but no effect on protein expression of COX-1. Lipopolysaccharide serves to stimulate phosphorylation inhibitor kappaB (IkappaB) mediated IkappaB kinase, which then further degradation and induces nuclear translocation of NF-kappaB ligand that activates gene transcription of COX-2. In connection with that, it also inhibits gamma mangostin IkappaB kinase activity and decreases degradation IkappaB and LPS-induced phosphorylation. In luciferase reporter assay, the compound lowering the NF-kappaB activation induced by LPS and the process of gene transcription of COX-2-dependent gene promoter region of human COX-2. The findings are supported by the results of in vivo studies, gamma mangostin could inhibit inflammation-induced edema in rats karagenen. From this research can be made resume: gamma mangostin directly inhibit the enzyme activity Ikappa B kinase, to then prevent the COX-2 gene transcription (NFkappaB target genes), decrease the production of PGE2 in the inflammatory process. 3. Anti-oxidant Activity In Moongkarndi et al. (2004) reported that extracts of mangosteen rind potential as antioxidants. Furthermore, Weecharangsan et al. (2006) follow up on these results with the research activities of some antioxidant extracts of mangosteen rind is extract the water, 50 and 95% ethanol, and ethyl acetate. The method used is penangkatapan free radical 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl. The results showed that all extracts have potential as free-radical scavengers, and water and ethanol extracts have greater potential. In connection with the antioxidant activity, the extracts were also able to demonstrate neuroprotective activity in cells NG108-15. Along with these results, Jung et al. (2006) conducted a study of antioxidant activity of all compounds contains mangosteen rind, minus mangostingon. From the results of the screening antioxidant activity of these compounds, which show potent activity are: 8-hidroksikudraxanton, gartanin, alpha-mangostin, gamma-mangostin and smeathxanton A. 4. Anticancer activity To date, cancer treatment is still unsatisfactory. Therefore, the study of cancer drug discovery are still intensively conducted. One of the medicinal plants that become the object of study is the mangosteen rind. Ho et al. (2002) managed to isolate and test compounds xanton cytotoxicity effects on liver cancer cell line. Based on these studies, a compound garsinon E showed the most potent cytotoxicity activity. Sementra it, Moongkarndi et al. (2004) reported that the methanol extract of mangosteen rind menunjukka highly potent activity in inhibiting the proliferation of breast cancer cells SKBR3, and showed apoptotic activity. On the other hand, Matsumoto et al. (2003) conducted a similar test that is anti-proliferative activity and apoptosis in human leukemia HL60 cell growth. Hasl In contrast to previous studies, alpha-mangostin showed anti-proliferative activity and apoptosis terpoten xanton among other compounds. In 2004, Matsumoto et al. The study went on to study the mechanism of apoptosis of alfamangostin. The compounds are able to activate the apoptotic enzyme caspase-3 and -9, but not in caspase-8. Alpha mangostin allegedly mem-mediated mitochondrial apoptosis pathway, is based on the change in the mitochondria after treatment of these compounds for 1-2 hours. Mitochondrial changes include: swelling of cells, reduced membrane potential, decrease in intracellular ATP, the accumulation of reactive oxygen species (ROS), and the release of c / AIF cytochrome cells. However, alpha-mangostin not affect the expression of bcl-2 family proteins and activation of MAP kinase. The results of these studies indicate that the target of the action of alpha-mangostin is the mitochondria in the early phase resulting in apoptosis in human leukemia cell line. From the structure activity relationship studies, the hydroxy group has contributed greatly to the apoptotic activity. Continuing the above findings, Nabandith et al. (2004) conducted a study in vivo chemopreventive activity of alpha-mangostin in lesions preneoplastik putative involved in colon carcinogenesis rats, induced a 1.2-dimetilhidrazin (DMH). Giving these compounds for 4-5 weeks, inhibit the induction and development of aberrant crypt foci (ACF), lowering dysplastic foci (DF) and betacatenin accumulated crypts (BCAC). On the nuclear antigen labeling of cells undergoing proliferation, these compounds reduce the occurrence of focal lesions and rat colonic epithelium. 5. Activities Antimikroorganisme Besides having some pharmacological activity as above, mangosteen rind also showed activity antimikroorganisme. Suksamrarn et al. (2003) with his team from Thailand, conduct research into the potential antituberkulosa of prenylated xanton compound isolated from the skin of the mangosteen fruit. As in the previous study, alpha mangostin, gamma-mangostin and garsinon B also showed the most potent activity in this experiment. All these compounds inhibit strong against Mycobacterium tuberculosis. The findings are followed up by researchers from Osaka, Japan, Sakagami et al. (2005). Focus on alpha-mangostin, this time the compound was isolated from the bark of the tree to obtain a large amount. Alfa mangostin active against enterococci and Staphylococcus aureus bacteria were respectively resistant and methicillin vancomisin. This was reinforced by the activity of synergism with some antibiotics (gentamicin and vancomisin) against both bacteria. Meanwhile, Mahabusarakam et al. (2006) conducted a test group xanton including mangostin, in Plasmodium falciparum. The results showed that mangostin has the effect antiplasmodial middle level, while xanton prenylated which has extremely potent inhibiting alkylamino group. 6. Other activities have already mentioned that alpha-mangostin has antioxidant activity and free radical scavengers. In connection with these facts, alpha-mangostin could inhibit the oxidation of low density lipoprotein (LDL), which was instrumental in atherosclerosis (William et al., 1995). While Mahabusarakam et al. (2000) reported that xanton prenylated can also inhibit the oxidation of LDL. Research lainnnya, mangostin reported to inhibit the potent against HIV-1 protease (Chen et al., 1996). Meanwhile, Gopalakrishnan et al. (1997) reported that the compound xanton mangostin from mangosteen fruit kuliat capable of inhibiting the growth of pathogenic fungi: Fusarium oxysporum vasinfectum, Alternaria tenuis, and Dreschlera oryzae. CHAPTER IV CLOSING A. Conclusion Based on the above presentation, it can be concluded that: 1. The mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana L.) is one of the plants used as traditional medicine. The skin of the mangosteen fruit is used to treat ulcers, dysentery, sore muscles and constipation. 2. Extraction of the withdrawal activity of chemical compounds that can dissolve so that apart from the insoluble material with a liquid solvent. By knowing the active compounds contained in crude drugs would facilitate the choice of solvent and extraction right (DITJEN POM, 2000). 3. The pharmacological activity contained in extracts of mangosteen rind including anti-inflammatory, antihistamine, treatment of heart disease, antibacterial, antifungal even for the treatment or therapy of HIV disease. The most active compounds in the skin of the mangosteen fruit is alpha-mangostin, gammamangostin and garsinon-EB Suggestion that I can say is: 1. Further studies should be conducted to examine the pharmacological effects of extracts of mangosteen rind with increasing concentration. 2. We recommend testing the toxicity of extract of mangosteen rind. REFERENCES Dungir, Stevi G., et al., 2012, Phenolic Antioxidant Activity of Skin Extract Mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana L.), the journal of Science Unsrat Online, volume 1, number 1, Department of Chemistry, Science Faculty, Unsrat, Manado. Indharini, Ulfah, 2010, Determination of Levels of Α-Mangostin In infuse Dry Skin Mangosteen (Garcinia Mangostana L.), thesis. Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Muhammadiyah Surakarta, Surakarta. Manurung, Sondra, et al., 2012, the Securities Antihiperglikemia of Extract Skin Mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana l.) Against Rats Male Strain Wistar (Rattus norvegicus l.) Induced by Sucrose, research, Laboratory of Pharmacy, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Sam Ratulangi, Manado. Nugroho. Great. Endro. 2009. Mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana L.): Skin Fruit Of The Wasted Up Being A Drug Candidates. Laboratory of Pharmacology and Toxicology, Section of Pharmacology and Clinical Pharmacy, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Gadjah Mada. Jogjakarta. Pasaribu, Hidayani, et al., 2012, Ethanol Extracts Test Skin Mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana L.) Against Decrease Blood Glucose. Journal of Pharmaceutics and Pharmacology, Volume 1, Number 1, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of North Sumatra, North Sumatra. Xanton is a compound composed of a tricyclic aromatic rings substituted with an assortment of phenolic groups, methoxy, and isoprene (Walker, 2007). Bark, fruit, and dried latex contains a number of Garcinia mangostana L. yellow dye derived from two metabolites that mangostin and β-mangostin (Sudarsono et al., 2002). Xanton other derivative compound is 9-hydroxycalabaxanthone, 3-isomangostin, gartanin, 8- desoxygartanin (Walker, 2007), γ-mangostin and methoxy-β- mangostin (Akao et al., 2008). The compound α-mangostin the compound is mostly found in the skin of the mangosteen fruit (Jung et al., 2006). Xanton chemical structure and its derivatives (Walker, 2007) 5. Benefits Plant According to Sudarsono et al., (2002) the mangosteen fruit is used to treat diarrhea, inflammation of the tonsils, vaginal discharge, dysentery, hemorrhoids, ulcers and toothache. Skin of the fruit is used to treat ulcers, dysentery, sore muscles, constipation. Methanol extract of mangosteen rind has the effect antiploriferatif and potent antioxidants (Moongkarndi et al, 2004). Xanton compounds contained in the skin of the mangosteen fruit can inhibit the growth of breast cancer cells, epidermoid carcinoma, small cell lung cancer and hepatocellular carcinoma (Obolskiy et al., 2009). Xanton compounds in the skin of the mangosteen fruit can inhibit the growth of colon cancer cells DLD-1 with IC50 values ​​methoxy-β-mangostin & lt; β-mangostin & lt; α-mangostin & lt; γ-mangostin (Akao et al, 2008). The study by Matsumoto et al (2003) suggest that α-mangostin contained in mangosteen rind has a 6 antiploriferatif activity against HL60 leukemia cells by inducing apoptosis. According to research Jung et al. (2006), α-mangostin has antibacterial activity against Mycobacterium tuberculosis with IC50 values ​​of 6.25 ug / ml, and have antioxidant activity with IC50 value of 1.0 ug / ml. B. The compound α-α-mangostin mangostin compound is the compound is mostly found in the skin of the mangosteen fruit (Figure 2). The compound α-mangostin an amorphous yellow crystals which have a melting point 180-182oC. Uptake was high in the UV region at wavelengths of 215, 243 and 317 nm (Ee et al., 2005). The compound α-mangostin tend to be non-polar, so it will be easily dissolved in solvents which are non polar, such as hexane (Walker, 2007). The chemical structure of α-mangostin (Walker, 2007) Assay of α-mangostin can be done using TLC and HPLC. Methods TLC using chloroform mobile phase: ethyl acetate: methanol (80: 10: 5), with a stationary phase silica gel 60F245, UV detection at 366 nm and obtained α-mangostin HRF price amounting to 50.0 (Pothitirat and Gritsanapan, 2008). HPLC method using a mobile phase of 0.1% phosphoric acid: acetonitrile with C18 stationary phase (Pothitirat and Gritsanapan, 2009). Research that has been conducted Walker (2007) by the HPLC method using a mobile phase of methanol: 0.1% formic acid in water (75:25) can separate compounds xanton compound found in mangosteen. C. Forms of preparations Herbal preparations are preparations herbal traditional medicine made in a simple manner such as infusion, decoction, and in part derived from botanicals. Simplicia is a natural substance in the form of a whole plant, plant part or exudates of plants used as medicine, and has not undergone processing in a simple and yet a pure substance unless otherwise stated, in the form of material that has dried (MOH, 2000). The dosage forms of medicinal plants that have long been used, among others: 1. infuse infusion is a liquid preparation made with quote simplisia vegetable with water at a temperature of 90 ° C for 15 minutes (MOH RI, 1979). Infundation is penyarian process that is generally used to sum up the content of the active substance is soluble in water than plant-based ingredients (MOH, 1986). Making infuse the simplest way to make a herbal preparation of soft material such as leaves and flowers (MOH RI, 2000). 2. decoction decoction is a liquid preparation made by extracting herbal preparations with water at a temperature of 90 ° C for 30 minutes (MOH RI, 2000). 3. Making preparations tea tea for medicinal purposes as much done based on the experience in the manufacture of infusion were performed on black tea as a beverage (MOH RI, 2000). Some things need to be considered in the preparation of tea are: the number of bulbs and water, and the degree of fineness simplisia. Total crude drug dose expressed in grams and water in ml dose. While the degree of gloss to the wood, bark and roots chopped a bit rough with a size of approximately 2.5 mm (MOH RI, 2000). CHAPTER III DISCUSSION A. Definition Mangosteen Fruit Mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana L.) is a plant originating from the region of Southeast Asia including Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand and Myanmar. Mangosteen is a functional plants because most of these plants can be used as a drug. However, many do not know if the mangosteen rind has efficacy. The skin of the mangosteen fruit that had been discarded as waste after it is eating the meat of fruit, it has a myriad of important benefits for health. In the skin of the mangosteen fruit is rich in antioxidants such as xanthones and anthocyanins (Moongkandi, et al., 2004; Kristenses, 2005; Weecharangsan, et al., 2006; Hartanto 2011). The mangosteen fruit is round and dark purple color because it contains a lot of anthocyanins in the skin (Obolskiy et al., 2009). In the fruit pulp are 5-6. Have 1-3 seeds, seed membrane thick juicy, white and edible. Mangosteen tree has a root fibers. On the following pages viewable image of the mangosteen fruit crops. The skin of the mangosteen fruit contains compounds that have pharmacological activity as anti-inflammatory, antihistamine, antibacterial, antifungal, cancer, hypertension, stroke and HIV therapy. Some of the main compounds of the content of mangosteen rind has a class of pharmacological activity xanton (Nugroho, 2009). Besides According Polytechnic full education website competition (2010), mangosteen rind is also used to treat ulcers, dysentery, sore muscles, constipation, and even Anti-fatigue (energize), Anti-oxidant (removing toxins from the body), Anti-seborrheaic (menpercantik skin), Anti-obesity (to lose weight), Anti-glaucomic (sore eye / glaucoma). B. Methods of Extraction The extraction process is done by stopping the enzyme activity in plant tissue beforehand to prevent oxidation or hydrolysis enzyme (Harborne, 1987). Extraction activity in the form of withdrawal of chemical compounds that can dissolve so that apart from the insoluble material with a liquid solvent. By knowing the active compounds contained in crude drugs would facilitate the choice of solvent and extraction right (DITJEN POM, 2000). Making extract in this study using maceration method. Maceration can be done by including 10 parts simplisia with degrees delicate that fit into the vessel, covered with 75 parts liquid penyari, closed, left for 5 days protected from light while stirring often, serkai, wring it out, wash the pulp with liquid penyari sufficient to obtain 100 part. Move into the closed vessel, leave in a cool place, protected from light, for 2 days. Enap pour or strain (Pharmacopoeia, 1979). C. Pharmacological Activities And Antioxidants Utilization mangosteen rind has actually been done long ago. The skin of the mangosteen fruit is traditionally used on a variety of treatment in the State of India, Sri rare Myanmar, and Thailand (Mahabusarakam et al., 1987). Broadly, the Thai people take advantage of mangosteen rind for the treatment of canker sores, dysentery, cystitis, diarrhea, gonorrhea, and eczema (ICUC, 2003). In the modern era, the use of mangosteen kuliat widely in the country sparked the interest of scientists for investigating and developing lembih keberkhasiatan further scientific aspects of the mangosteen rind. Many studies have proven the efficacy of mangosteen rind, and are even finding compounds that are responsible for these effects. The following will be presented a discussion of the pharmacological effects of mangosteen rind. 1. Activities antihistamine in allergic reactions, the main component of which took Beran important mast cells, and their mediators, namely the release of histamine and serotonin. Allergies are caused by the immune response to an antigen or allergen interacts with B lymphocytes to produce immunoglobulin E (IgE). Imunoglubulin E produced then attaches itself to the receptor FcεRI on the surface of mast cell membrane. Upon their return interaction between antigen-antibody, will stimulate mast cells to release histamine (Kresno, 2001; Subowo, 1993). Associated with allergic reactions or the release of histamine, Chairungsrilerd et al. (1996a, 1996b, 1998) to test the methanol extract of mangosteen rind to the contraction of isolated rabbit aorta chest induced by histamine and serotonin. From the analysis of the active components of the result of the continued fraction silica gel chromatography, indicating that the active compound is alpha and gamma mangostin. Alpha mangostin itself able to demonstrate the inhibitory activity contracted guinea pig isolated trachea and aorta piston isolated rabbit, induced cimetidine, histamine H2 receptor antagonists. However, these compounds do not show activity on the contraction induced karbakol, phenylephrine and KCl. Alpha mangostin was also able to inhibit binding of [3H] mepyramine against arta smooth muscle cells of rats. The latter compound is a specific antagonist for histamine H1 receptor. From the analysis of the kinetics of binding of [3H] mepyramine megnindikasikan that competitively inhibit alpha mangostin. This study suggests that alpha-mangostin is categorized as any blocks H1 receptors histaminergik particular, while gamma mangostin as any blocks serotonergic receptors, especially the 5-hydroxytryptamine 2A or 5HT2A. Furthermore, Nakatani et al. (2002a) conducted research into the mechanism toward the mangosteen rind extract. In the study of mangosteen peel extract is: 100% ethanol, 70%, 40%, and water, tested against prostaglandin E2 synthesis and release of histamine. 40% ethanol extract showed the most potent effect in inhibiting histamine release from RBL 2H3- cell-mediated IgE. All mangosteen rind extract capable of inhibiting the synthesis of PGE2 from rat glioma cells induced Ca2 + ionophore A23187. In the passive cutaneous anaphylaxis reaction, all of mangosteen peel extract also shows the inhibitory activity of the reaction. From this study, 40% ethanol extract of mangosteen is the most potent in inhibiting PGE2 synthesis and release of histamine. 2. Anti-inflammatory Activity Research on anti-inflammatory activity of mangosteen rind until now only performed on the stages of in vitro and in vivo to a new stage in the study with rats induced karagenen method. From the research results suggested that compounds that have anti-inflammatory activity is gamma-mangostin. Gamma-mangostin is xanton diprenilasi tetraoksigenasi form, the chemical structure can be seen in Fig. Nakatni et al. (2002b) conducted a study of anti-inflammatory activity in vitro of gamma mangostin against PGE2 synthesis and cyclooxygenase (COX) in rat C6 glioma cells. Both the compound and the enzyme is an important mediator in the inflammatory reaction. Gamma-mangostin potently inhibit the release of PGE2 in rat C6 glioma cells induced Ca2 + ionophore A23187. Gammamangostin inhibit the conversion of arachidonic acid to PGE2 in the microsomal, there is a possibility of cyclooxygenase inhibition on track. In experiments in vitro enzymatic, this compound is able to inhibit the activity of the enzyme COX-1 and COX-2. However, these compounds have no significant effect on: (1) phosphorylation signal ekstraseuler p42 / p44 induced A23187, which regulates activated protein kinase kinase / mitogen, and (2) release of [14C] arachidonic -asam of cells labeled [14C ] the Aa. From this study, gamma mangostin has anti-inflammatory activity by inhibiting the activity of cyclooxygenase (COX). Furthermore, Nakatani et al. (2004) analyzed the effect of gamma-mangostin against COX-2 gene expression in rat C6 glioma cells. Gamma mangostin inhibits protein and mRNA expression of COX-2 induced by lipopolysaccharide, but no effect on protein expression of COX-1. Lipopolysaccharide serves to stimulate phosphorylation inhibitor kappaB (IkappaB) mediated IkappaB kinase, which then further degradation and induces nuclear translocation of NF-kappaB ligand that activates gene transcription of COX-2. In connection with that, it also inhibits gamma mangostin IkappaB kinase activity and decreases degradation IkappaB and LPS-induced phosphorylation. In luciferase reporter assay, the compound lowering the NF-kappaB activation induced by LPS and the process of gene transcription of COX-2-dependent gene promoter region of human COX-2. The findings are supported by the results of in vivo studies, gamma mangostin could inhibit inflammation-induced edema in rats karagenen. From this research can be made resume: gamma mangostin directly inhibit the enzyme activity Ikappa B kinase, to then prevent the COX-2 gene transcription (NFkappaB target genes), decrease the production of PGE2 in the inflammatory process. 3. Anti-oxidant Activity In Moongkarndi et al. (2004) reported that extracts of mangosteen rind potential as antioxidants. Furthermore, Weecharangsan et al. (2006) follow up on these results with the research activities of some antioxidant extracts of mangosteen rind is extract the water, 50 and 95% ethanol, and ethyl acetate. The method used is penangkatapan free radical 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl. The results showed that all extracts have potential as free-radical scavengers, and water and ethanol extracts have greater potential. In connection with the antioxidant activity, the extracts were also able to demonstrate neuroprotective activity in cells NG108-15. Along with these results, Jung et al. (2006) conducted a study of antioxidant activity of all compounds contains mangosteen rind, minus mangostingon. From the results of the screening antioxidant activity of these compounds, which show potent activity are: 8-hidroksikudraxanton, gartanin, alpha-mangostin, gamma-mangostin and smeathxanton A. 4. Anticancer activity To date, cancer treatment is still unsatisfactory. Therefore, the study of cancer drug discovery are still intensively conducted. One of the medicinal plants that become the object of study is the mangosteen rind. Ho et al. (2002) managed to isolate and test compounds xanton cytotoxicity effects on liver cancer cell line. Based on these studies, a compound garsinon E showed the most potent cytotoxicity activity. Sementra it, Moongkarndi et al. (2004) reported that the methanol extract of mangosteen rind menunjukka highly potent activity in inhibiting the proliferation of breast cancer cells SKBR3, and showed apoptotic activity. On the other hand, Matsumoto et al. (2003) conducted a similar test that is anti-proliferative activity and apoptosis in human leukemia HL60 cell growth. Hasl In contrast to previous studies, alpha-mangostin showed anti-proliferative activity and apoptosis terpoten xanton among other compounds. In 2004, Matsumoto et al. The study went on to study the mechanism of apoptosis of alfamangostin. The compounds are able to activate the apoptotic enzyme caspase-3 and -9, but not in caspase-8. Alpha mangostin allegedly mem-mediated mitochondrial apoptosis pathway, is based on the change in the mitochondria after treatment of these compounds for 1-2 hours. Mitochondrial changes include: swelling of cells, reduced membrane potential, decrease in intracellular ATP, the accumulation of reactive oxygen species (ROS), and the release of c / AIF cytochrome cells. However, alpha-mangostin not affect the expression of bcl-2 family proteins and activation of MAP kinase. The results of these studies indicate that the target of the action of alpha-mangostin is the mitochondria in the early phase resulting in apoptosis in human leukemia cell line. From the structure activity relationship studies, the hydroxy group has contributed greatly to the apoptotic activity. Continuing the above findings, Nabandith et al. (2004) conducted a study in vivo chemopreventive activity of alpha-mangostin in lesions preneoplastik putative involved in colon carcinogenesis rats, induced a 1.2-dimetilhidrazin (DMH). Giving these compounds for 4-5 weeks, inhibit the induction and development of aberrant crypt foci (ACF), lowering dysplastic foci (DF) and betacatenin accumulated crypts (BCAC). On the nuclear antigen labeling of cells undergoing proliferation, these compounds reduce the occurrence of focal lesions and rat colonic epithelium. 5. Activities Antimikroorganisme Besides having some pharmacological activity as above, mangosteen rind also showed activity antimikroorganisme. Suksamrarn et al. (2003) with his team from Thailand, conduct research into the potential antituberkulosa of prenylated xanton compound isolated from the skin of the mangosteen fruit. As in the previous study, alpha mangostin, gamma-mangostin and garsinon B also showed the most potent activity in this experiment. All these compounds inhibit strong against Mycobacterium tuberculosis. The findings are followed up by researchers from Osaka, Japan, Sakagami et al. (2005). Focus on alpha-mangostin, this time the compound was isolated from the bark of the tree to obtain a large amount. Alfa mangostin active against enterococci and Staphylococcus aureus bacteria were respectively resistant and methicillin vancomisin. This was reinforced by the activity of synergism with some antibiotics (gentamicin and vancomisin) against both bacteria. Meanwhile, Mahabusarakam et al. (2006) conducted a test group xanton including mangostin, in Plasmodium falciparum. The results showed that mangostin has the effect antiplasmodial middle level, while xanton prenylated which has extremely potent inhibiting alkylamino group. 6. Other activities have already mentioned that alpha-mangostin has antioxidant activity and free radical scavengers. In connection with these facts, alpha-mangostin could inhibit the oxidation of low density lipoprotein (LDL), which was instrumental in atherosclerosis (William et al., 1995). While Mahabusarakam et al. (2000) reported that xanton prenylated can also inhibit the oxidation of LDL. Research lainnnya, mangostin reported to inhibit the potent against HIV-1 protease (Chen et al., 1996). Meanwhile, Gopalakrishnan et al. (1997) reported that the compound xanton mangostin from mangosteen fruit kuliat capable of inhibiting the growth of pathogenic fungi: Fusarium oxysporum vasinfectum, Alternaria tenuis, and Dreschlera oryzae. CHAPTER IV CLOSING A. Conclusion Based on the above presentation, it can be concluded that: 1. The mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana L.) is one of the plants used as traditional medicine. The skin of the mangosteen fruit is used to treat ulcers, dysentery, sore muscles and constipation. 2. Extraction of the withdrawal activity of chemical compounds that can dissolve so that apart from the insoluble material with a liquid solvent. By knowing the active compounds contained in crude drugs would facilitate the choice of solvent and extraction right (DITJEN POM, 2000). 3. The pharmacological activity contained in extracts of mangosteen rind including anti-inflammatory, antihistamine, treatment of heart disease, antibacterial, antifungal even for the treatment or therapy of HIV disease. The most active compounds in the skin of the mangosteen fruit is alpha-mangostin, gammamangostin and garsinon-EB Suggestion that I can say is: 1. Further studies should be conducted to examine the pharmacological effects of extracts of mangosteen rind with increasing concentration. 2. We recommend testing the toxicity of extract of mangosteen rind. REFERENCES Dungir, Stevi G., et al., 2012, Phenolic Antioxidant Activity of Skin Extract Mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana L.), the journal of Science Unsrat Online, volume 1, number 1, Department of Chemistry, Science Faculty, Unsrat, Manado. Indharini, Ulfah, 2010, Determination of Levels of Α-Mangostin In infuse Dry Skin Mangosteen (Garcinia Mangostana L.), thesis. Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Muhammadiyah Surakarta, Surakarta. Manurung, Sondra, et al., 2012, the Securities Antihiperglikemia of Extract Skin Mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana l.) Against Rats Male Strain Wistar (Rattus norvegicus l.) Induced by Sucrose, research, Laboratory of Pharmacy, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Sam Ratulangi, Manado. Nugroho. Great. Endro. 2009. Mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana L.): Skin Fruit Of The Wasted Up Being A Drug Candidates. Laboratory of Pharmacology and Toxicology, Section of Pharmacology and Clinical Pharmacy, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Gadjah Mada. Jogjakarta. Pasaribu, Hidayani, et al., 2012, Ethanol Extracts Test Skin Mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana L.) Against Decrease Blood Glucose. Journal of Pharmaceutics and Pharmacology, Volume 1, Number 1, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of North Sumatra, North Sumatra. will stimulate mast cells to release histamine (Kresno, 2001; Subowo, 1993). Associated with allergic reactions or the release of histamine, Chairungsrilerd et al. (1996a, 1996b, 1998) to test the methanol extract of mangosteen rind to the contraction of isolated rabbit aorta chest induced by histamine and serotonin. From the analysis of the active components of the result of the continued fraction silica gel chromatography, indicating that the active compound is alpha and gamma mangostin. Alpha mangostin itself able to demonstrate the inhibitory activity contracted guinea pig isolated trachea and aorta piston isolated rabbit, induced cimetidine, histamine H2 receptor antagonists. However, these compounds do not show activity on the contraction induced karbakol, phenylephrine and KCl. Alpha mangostin was also able to inhibit binding of [3H] mepyramine against arta smooth muscle cells of rats. The latter compound is a specific antagonist for histamine H1 receptor. From the analysis of the kinetics of binding of [3H] mepyramine megnindikasikan that competitively inhibit alpha mangostin. This study suggests that alpha-mangostin is categorized as any blocks H1 receptors histaminergik particular, while gamma mangostin as any blocks serotonergic receptors, especially the 5-hydroxytryptamine 2A or 5HT2A. Furthermore, Nakatani et al. (2002a) conducted research into the mechanism toward the mangosteen rind extract. In the study of mangosteen peel extract is: 100% ethanol, 70%, 40%, and water, tested against prostaglandin E2 synthesis and release of histamine. 40% ethanol extract showed the most potent effect in inhibiting histamine release from RBL 2H3- cell-mediated IgE. All mangosteen rind extract capable of inhibiting the synthesis of PGE2 from rat glioma cells induced Ca2 + ionophore A23187. In the passive cutaneous anaphylaxis reaction, all of mangosteen peel extract also shows the inhibitory activity of the reaction. From this study, 40% ethanol extract of mangosteen is the most potent in inhibiting PGE2 synthesis and release of histamine. 2. Anti-inflammatory Activity Research on anti-inflammatory activity of mangosteen rind until now only performed on the stages of in vitro and in vivo to a new stage in the study with rats induced karagenen method. From the research results suggested that compounds that have anti-inflammatory activity is gamma-mangostin. Gamma-mangostin is xanton diprenilasi tetraoksigenasi form, the chemical structure can be seen in Fig. Nakatni et al. (2002b) conducted a study of anti-inflammatory activity in vitro of gamma mangostin against PGE2 synthesis and cyclooxygenase (COX) in rat C6 glioma cells. Both the compound and the enzyme is an important mediator in the inflammatory reaction. Gamma-mangostin potently inhibit the release of PGE2 in rat C6 glioma cells induced Ca2 + ionophore A23187. Gammamangostin inhibit the conversion of arachidonic acid to PGE2 in the microsomal, there is a possibility of cyclooxygenase inhibition on track. In experiments in vitro enzymatic, this compound is able to inhibit the activity of the enzyme COX-1 and COX-2. However, these compounds have no significant effect on: (1) phosphorylation signal ekstraseuler p42 / p44 induced A23187, which regulates activated protein kinase kinase / mitogen, and (2) release of [14C] arachidonic -asam of cells labeled [14C ] the Aa. From this study, gamma mangostin has anti-inflammatory activity by inhibiting the activity of cyclooxygenase (COX). Furthermore, Nakatani et al. (2004) analyzed the effect of gamma-mangostin against COX-2 gene expression in rat C6 glioma cells. Gamma mangostin inhibits protein and mRNA expression of COX-2 induced by lipopolysaccharide, but no effect on protein expression of COX-1. Lipopolysaccharide serves to stimulate phosphorylation inhibitor kappaB (IkappaB) mediated IkappaB kinase, which then further degradation and induces nuclear translocation of NF-kappaB ligand that activates gene transcription of COX-2. In connection with that, it also inhibits gamma mangostin IkappaB kinase activity and decreases degradation IkappaB and LPS-induced phosphorylation. In luciferase reporter assay, the compound lowering the NF-kappaB activation induced by LPS and the process of gene transcription of COX-2-dependent gene promoter region of human COX-2. The findings are supported by the results of in vivo studies, gamma mangostin could inhibit inflammation-induced edema in rats karagenen. From this research can be made resume: gamma mangostin directly inhibit the enzyme activity Ikappa B kinase, to then prevent the COX-2 gene transcription (NFkappaB target genes), decrease the production of PGE2 in the inflammatory process. 3. Anti-oxidant Activity In Moongkarndi et al. (2004) reported that extracts of mangosteen rind potential as antioxidants. Furthermore, Weecharangsan et al. (2006) follow up on these results with the research activities of some antioxidant extracts of mangosteen rind is extract the water, 50 and 95% ethanol, and ethyl acetate. The method used is penangkatapan free radical 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl. The results showed that all extracts have potential as free-radical scavengers, and water and ethanol extracts have greater potential. In connection with the antioxidant activity, the extracts were also able to demonstrate neuroprotective activity in cells NG108-15. Along with these results, Jung et al. (2006) conducted a study of antioxidant activity of all compounds contains mangosteen rind, minus mangostingon. From the results of the screening antioxidant activity of these compounds, which show potent activity are: 8-hidroksikudraxanton, gartanin, alpha-mangostin, gamma-mangostin and smeathxanton A. 4. Anticancer activity To date, cancer treatment is still unsatisfactory. Therefore, the study of cancer drug discovery are still intensively conducted. One of the medicinal plants that become the object of study is the mangosteen rind. Ho et al. (2002) managed to isolate and test compounds xanton cytotoxicity effects on liver cancer cell line. Based on these studies, a compound garsinon E showed the most potent cytotoxicity activity. Sementra it, Moongkarndi et al. (2004) reported that the methanol extract of mangosteen rind menunjukka highly potent activity in inhibiting the proliferation of breast cancer cells SKBR3, and showed apoptotic activity. On the other hand, Matsumoto et al. (2003) conducted a similar test that is anti-proliferative activity and apoptosis in human leukemia HL60 cell growth. Hasl In contrast to previous studies, alpha-mangostin showed anti-proliferative activity and apoptosis terpoten xanton among other compounds. In 2004, Matsumoto et al. The study went on to study the mechanism of apoptosis of alfamangostin. The compounds are able to activate the apoptotic enzyme caspase-3 and -9, but not in caspase-8. Alpha mangostin allegedly mem-mediated mitochondrial apoptosis pathway, is based on the change in the mitochondria after treatment of these compounds for 1-2 hours. Mitochondrial changes include: swelling of cells, reduced membrane potential, decrease in intracellular ATP, the accumulation of reactive oxygen species (ROS), and the release of c / AIF cytochrome cells. However, alpha-mangostin not affect the expression of bcl-2 family proteins and activation of MAP kinase. The results of these studies indicate that the target of the action of alpha-mangostin is the mitochondria in the early phase resulting in apoptosis in human leukemia cell line. From the structure activity relationship studies, the hydroxy group has contributed greatly to the apoptotic activity. Continuing the above findings, Nabandith et al. (2004) conducted a study in vivo chemopreventive activity of alpha-mangostin in lesions preneoplastik putative involved in colon carcinogenesis rats, induced a 1.2-dimetilhidrazin (DMH). Giving these compounds for 4-5 weeks, inhibit the induction and development of aberrant crypt foci (ACF), lowering dysplastic foci (DF) and betacatenin accumulated crypts (BCAC). On the nuclear antigen labeling of cells undergoing proliferation, these compounds reduce the occurrence of focal lesions and rat colonic epithelium. 5. Activities Antimikroorganisme Besides having some pharmacological activity as above, mangosteen rind also showed activity antimikroorganisme. Suksamrarn et al. (2003) with his team from Thailand, conduct research into the potential antituberkulosa of prenylated xanton compound isolated from the skin of the mangosteen fruit. As in the previous study, alpha mangostin, gamma-mangostin and garsinon B also showed the most potent activity in this experiment. All these compounds inhibit strong against Mycobacterium tuberculosis. The findings are followed up by researchers from Osaka, Japan, Sakagami et al. (2005). Focus on alpha-mangostin, this time the compound was isolated from the bark of the tree to obtain a large amount. Alfa mangostin active against enterococci and Staphylococcus aureus bacteria were respectively resistant and methicillin vancomisin. This was reinforced by the activity of synergism with some antibiotics (gentamicin and vancomisin) against both bacteria. Meanwhile, Mahabusarakam et al. (2006) conducted a test group xanton including mangostin, in Plasmodium falciparum. The results showed that mangostin has the effect antiplasmodial middle level, while xanton prenylated which has extremely potent inhibiting alkylamino group. 6. Other activities have already mentioned that alpha-mangostin has antioxidant activity and free radical scavengers. In connection with these facts, alpha-mangostin could inhibit the oxidation of low density lipoprotein (LDL), which was instrumental in atherosclerosis (William et al., 1995). While Mahabusarakam et al. (2000) reported that xanton prenylated can also inhibit the oxidation of LDL. Research lainnnya, mangostin reported to inhibit the potent against HIV-1 protease (Chen et al., 1996). Meanwhile, Gopalakrishnan et al. (1997) reported that the compound xanton mangostin from mangosteen fruit kuliat capable of inhibiting the growth of pathogenic fungi: Fusarium oxysporum vasinfectum, Alternaria tenuis, and Dreschlera oryzae. CHAPTER IV CLOSING A. Conclusion Based on the above presentation, it can be concluded that: 1. The mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana L.) is one of the plants used as traditional medicine. The skin of the mangosteen fruit is used to treat ulcers, dysentery, sore muscles and constipation. 2. Extraction of the withdrawal activity of chemical compounds that can dissolve so that apart from the insoluble material with a liquid solvent. By knowing the active compounds contained in crude drugs would facilitate the choice of solvent and extraction right (DITJEN POM, 2000). 3. The pharmacological activity contained in extracts of mangosteen rind including anti-inflammatory, antihistamine, treatment of heart disease, antibacterial, antifungal even for the treatment or therapy of HIV disease. The most active compounds in the skin of the mangosteen fruit is alpha-mangostin, gammamangostin and garsinon-EB Suggestion that I can say is: 1. Further studies should be conducted to examine the pharmacological effects of extracts of mangosteen rind with increasing concentration. 2. We recommend testing the toxicity of extract of mangosteen rind. REFERENCES Dungir, Stevi G., et al., 2012, Phenolic Antioxidant Activity of Skin Extract Mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana L.), the journal of Science Unsrat Online, volume 1, number 1, Department of Chemistry, Science Faculty, Unsrat, Manado. Indharini, Ulfah, 2010, Determination of Levels of Α-Mangostin In infuse Dry Skin Mangosteen (Garcinia Mangostana L.), thesis. Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Muhammadiyah Surakarta, Surakarta. Manurung, Sondra, et al., 2012, the Securities Antihiperglikemia of Extract Skin Mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana l.) Against Rats Male Strain Wistar (Rattus norvegicus l.) Induced by Sucrose, research, Laboratory of Pharmacy, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Sam Ratulangi, Manado. Nugroho. Great. Endro. 2009. Mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana L.): Skin Fruit Of The Wasted Up Being A Drug Candidates. Laboratory of Pharmacology and Toxicology, Section of Pharmacology and Clinical Pharmacy, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Gadjah Mada. Jogjakarta. Pasaribu, Hidayani, et al., 2012, Ethanol Extracts Test Skin Mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana L.) Against Decrease Blood Glucose. Journal of Pharmaceutics and Pharmacology, Volume 1, Number 1, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of North Sumatra, North Sumatra. will stimulate mast cells to release histamine (Kresno, 2001; Subowo, 1993). Associated with allergic reactions or the release of histamine, Chairungsrilerd et al. (1996a, 1996b, 1998) to test the methanol extract of mangosteen rind to the contraction of isolated rabbit aorta chest induced by histamine and serotonin. From the analysis of the active components of the result of the continued fraction silica gel chromatography, indicating that the active compound is alpha and gamma mangostin. Alpha mangostin itself able to demonstrate the inhibitory activity contracted guinea pig isolated trachea and aorta piston isolated rabbit, induced cimetidine, histamine H2 receptor antagonists. However, these compounds do not show activity on the contraction induced karbakol, phenylephrine and KCl. Alpha mangostin was also able to inhibit binding of [3H] mepyramine against arta smooth muscle cells of rats. The latter compound is a specific antagonist for histamine H1 receptor. From the analysis of the kinetics of binding of [3H] mepyramine megnindikasikan that competitively inhibit alpha mangostin. This study suggests that alpha-mangostin is categorized as any blocks H1 receptors histaminergik particular, while gamma mangostin as any blocks serotonergic receptors, especially the 5-hydroxytryptamine 2A or 5HT2A. Furthermore, Nakatani et al. (2002a) conducted research into the mechanism toward the mangosteen rind extract. In the study of mangosteen peel extract is: 100% ethanol, 70%, 40%, and water, tested against prostaglandin E2 synthesis and release of histamine. 40% ethanol extract showed the most potent effect in inhibiting histamine release from RBL 2H3- cell-mediated IgE. All mangosteen rind extract capable of inhibiting the synthesis of PGE2 from rat glioma cells induced Ca2 + ionophore A23187. In the passive cutaneous anaphylaxis reaction, all of mangosteen peel extract also shows the inhibitory activity of the reaction. From this study, 40% ethanol extract of mangosteen is the most potent in inhibiting PGE2 synthesis and release of histamine. 2. Anti-inflammatory Activity Research on anti-inflammatory activity of mangosteen rind until now only performed on the stages of in vitro and in vivo to a new stage in the study with rats induced karagenen method. From the research results suggested that compounds that have anti-inflammatory activity is gamma-mangostin. Gamma-mangostin is xanton diprenilasi tetraoksigenasi form, the chemical structure can be seen in Fig. Nakatni et al. (2002b) conducted a study of anti-inflammatory activity in vitro of gamma mangostin against PGE2 synthesis and cyclooxygenase (COX) in rat C6 glioma cells. Both the compound and the enzyme is an important mediator in the inflammatory reaction. Gamma-mangostin potently inhibit the release of PGE2 in rat C6 glioma cells induced Ca2 + ionophore A23187. Gammamangostin inhibit the conversion of arachidonic acid to PGE2 in the microsomal, there is a possibility of cyclooxygenase inhibition on track. In experiments in vitro enzymatic, this compound is able to inhibit the activity of the enzyme COX-1 and COX-2. However, these compounds have no significant effect on: (1) phosphorylation signal ekstraseuler p42 / p44 induced A23187, which regulates activated protein kinase kinase / mitogen, and (2) release of [14C] arachidonic -asam of cells labeled [14C ] the Aa. From this study, gamma mangostin has anti-inflammatory activity by inhibiting the activity of cyclooxygenase (COX). Furthermore, Nakatani et al. (2004) analyzed the effect of gamma-mangostin against COX-2 gene expression in rat C6 glioma cells. Gamma mangostin inhibits protein and mRNA expression of COX-2 induced by lipopolysaccharide, but no effect on protein expression of COX-1. Lipopolysaccharide serves to stimulate phosphorylation inhibitor kappaB (IkappaB) mediated IkappaB kinase, which then further degradation and induces nuclear translocation of NF-kappaB ligand that activates gene transcription of COX-2. In connection with that, it also inhibits gamma mangostin IkappaB kinase activity and decreases degradation IkappaB and LPS-induced phosphorylation. In luciferase reporter assay, the compound lowering the NF-kappaB activation induced by LPS and the process of gene transcription of COX-2-dependent gene promoter region of human COX-2. The findings are supported by the results of in vivo studies, gamma mangostin could inhibit inflammation-induced edema in rats karagenen. From this research can be made resume: gamma mangostin directly inhibit the enzyme activity Ikappa B kinase, to then prevent the COX-2 gene transcription (NFkappaB target genes), decrease the production of PGE2 in the inflammatory process. 3. Anti-oxidant Activity In Moongkarndi et al. (2004) reported that extracts of mangosteen rind potential as antioxidants. Furthermore, Weecharangsan et al. (2006) follow up on these results with the research activities of some antioxidant extracts of mangosteen rind is extract the water, 50 and 95% ethanol, and ethyl acetate. The method used is penangkatapan free radical 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl. The results showed that all extracts have potential as free-radical scavengers, and water and ethanol extracts have greater potential. In connection with the antioxidant activity, the extracts were also able to demonstrate neuroprotective activity in cells NG108-15. Along with these results, Jung et al. (2006) conducted a study of antioxidant activity of all compounds contains mangosteen rind, minus mangostingon. From the results of the screening antioxidant activity of these compounds, which show potent activity are: 8-hidroksikudraxanton, gartanin, alpha-mangostin, gamma-mangostin and smeathxanton A. 4. Anticancer activity To date, cancer treatment is still unsatisfactory. Therefore, the study of cancer drug discovery are still intensively conducted. One of the medicinal plants that become the object of study is the mangosteen rind. Ho et al. (2002) managed to isolate and test compounds xanton cytotoxicity effects on liver cancer cell line. Based on these studies, a compound garsinon E showed the most potent cytotoxicity activity. Sementra it, Moongkarndi et al. (2004) reported that the methanol extract of mangosteen rind menunjukka highly potent activity in inhibiting the proliferation of breast cancer cells SKBR3, and showed apoptotic activity. On the other hand, Matsumoto et al. (2003) conducted a similar test that is anti-proliferative activity and apoptosis in human leukemia HL60 cell growth. Hasl In contrast to previous studies, alpha-mangostin showed anti-proliferative activity and apoptosis terpoten xanton among other compounds. In 2004, Matsumoto et al. The study went on to study the mechanism of apoptosis of alfamangostin. The compounds are able to activate the apoptotic enzyme caspase-3 and -9, but not in caspase-8. Alpha mangostin allegedly mem-mediated mitochondrial apoptosis pathway, is based on the change in the mitochondria after treatment of these compounds for 1-2 hours. Mitochondrial changes include: swelling of cells, reduced membrane potential, decrease in intracellular ATP, the accumulation of reactive oxygen species (ROS), and the release of c / AIF cytochrome cells. However, alpha-mangostin not affect the expression of bcl-2 family proteins and activation of MAP kinase. The results of these studies indicate that the target of the action of alpha-mangostin is the mitochondria in the early phase resulting in apoptosis in human leukemia cell line. From the structure activity relationship studies, the hydroxy group has contributed greatly to the apoptotic activity. Continuing the above findings, Nabandith et al. (2004) conducted a study in vivo chemopreventive activity of alpha-mangostin in lesions preneoplastik putative involved in colon carcinogenesis rats, induced a 1.2-dimetilhidrazin (DMH). Giving these compounds for 4-5 weeks, inhibit the induction and development of aberrant crypt foci (ACF), lowering dysplastic foci (DF) and betacatenin accumulated crypts (BCAC). On the nuclear antigen labeling of cells undergoing proliferation, these compounds reduce the occurrence of focal lesions and rat colonic epithelium. 5. Activities Antimikroorganisme Besides having some pharmacological activity as above, mangosteen rind also showed activity antimikroorganisme. Suksamrarn et al. (2003) with his team from Thailand, conduct research into the potential antituberkulosa of prenylated xanton compound isolated from the skin of the mangosteen fruit. As in the previous study, alpha mangostin, gamma-mangostin and garsinon B also showed the most potent activity in this experiment. All these compounds inhibit strong against Mycobacterium tuberculosis. The findings are followed up by researchers from Osaka, Japan, Sakagami et al. (2005). Focus on alpha-mangostin, this time the compound was isolated from the bark of the tree to obtain a large amount. Alfa mangostin active against enterococci and Staphylococcus aureus bacteria were respectively resistant and methicillin vancomisin. This was reinforced by the activity of synergism with some antibiotics (gentamicin and vancomisin) against both bacteria. Meanwhile, Mahabusarakam et al. (2006) conducted a test group xanton including mangostin, in Plasmodium falciparum. The results showed that mangostin has the effect antiplasmodial middle level, while xanton prenylated which has extremely potent inhibiting alkylamino group. 6. Other activities have already mentioned that alpha-mangostin has antioxidant activity and free radical scavengers. In connection with these facts, alpha-mangostin could inhibit the oxidation of low density lipoprotein (LDL), which was instrumental in atherosclerosis (William et al., 1995). While Mahabusarakam et al. (2000) reported that xanton prenylated can also inhibit the oxidation of LDL. Research lainnnya, mangostin reported to inhibit the potent against HIV-1 protease (Chen et al., 1996). Meanwhile, Gopalakrishnan et al. (1997) reported that the compound xanton mangostin from mangosteen fruit kuliat capable of inhibiting the growth of pathogenic fungi: Fusarium oxysporum vasinfectum, Alternaria tenuis, and Dreschlera oryzae. CHAPTER IV CLOSING A. Conclusion Based on the above presentation, it can be concluded that: 1. The mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana L.) is one of the plants used as traditional medicine. The skin of the mangosteen fruit is used to treat ulcers, dysentery, sore muscles and constipation. 2. Extraction of the withdrawal activity of chemical compounds that can dissolve so that apart from the insoluble material with a liquid solvent. By knowing the active compounds contained in crude drugs would facilitate the choice of solvent and extraction right (DITJEN POM, 2000). 3. The pharmacological activity contained in extracts of mangosteen rind including anti-inflammatory, antihistamine, treatment of heart disease, antibacterial, antifungal even for the treatment or therapy of HIV disease. The most active compounds in the skin of the mangosteen fruit is alpha-mangostin, gammamangostin and garsinon-EB Suggestion that I can say is: 1. Further studies should be conducted to examine the pharmacological effects of extracts of mangosteen rind with increasing concentration. 2. We recommend testing the toxicity of extract of mangosteen rind. REFERENCES Dungir, Stevi G., et al., 2012, Phenolic Antioxidant Activity of Skin Extract Mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana L.), the journal of Science Unsrat Online, volume 1, number 1, Department of Chemistry, Science Faculty, Unsrat, Manado. Indharini, Ulfah, 2010, Determination of Levels of Α-Mangostin In infuse Dry Skin Mangosteen (Garcinia Mangostana L.), thesis. Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Muhammadiyah Surakarta, Surakarta. Manurung, Sondra, et al., 2012, the Securities Antihiperglikemia of Extract Skin Mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana l.) Against Rats Male Strain Wistar (Rattus norvegicus l.) Induced by Sucrose, research, Laboratory of Pharmacy, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Sam Ratulangi, Manado. Nugroho. Great. Endro. 2009. Mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana L.): Skin Fruit Of The Wasted Up Being A Drug Candidates. Laboratory of Pharmacology and Toxicology, Section of Pharmacology and Clinical Pharmacy, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Gadjah Mada. Jogjakarta. Pasaribu, Hidayani, et al., 2012, Ethanol Extracts Test Skin Mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana L.) Against Decrease Blood Glucose. Journal of Pharmaceutics and Pharmacology, Volume 1, Number 1, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of North Sumatra, North Sumatra.

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