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Sabtu, 12 Maret 2016

Based Education Spiritual Influence on Children's Behavior at Home, as Well as Students in School

There are concerns that burst, as witnessed fighting between students occur everywhere, and there is anxiety that arises when looking at the students shouted gleefully when he learned that his teacher did not come on this day.
Why worry? The first reality show that students today are so close to violence, which obviously is contrary to the world they were supposed to wallow with the nuances and scientific education. Supposedly the world born from "Rahim compassion" is brought up with the instincts of compassion, as instinctive love of a mother in caring for and educating their children.
Why upset? The second reality will be the ruination implies affection in the interaction between the teachers with their students. Estrangement was much thicker when teachers have more punitive than a smile, more like rebuke than being empathetic. So that the meeting between the two are always in a state of forced, which eventually gave birth to a sense of compulsion pressure to undergo the meeting.
A. Background
Given the findings as mentioned above, it is considered very essential to raise these matters in writing our article, because this time it as mentioned above have often occurs around us, especially among the men and women educators who every day often encountered such what is mentioned above though on a small scale. All the great things that it must have begun by little things are trivial, or trivialized.
Violent behavior of the student, often inspired by the spectacle tersuguh in front of them. Like the films of violence dominated by-delinquent and delinquent children who lack parental affection.
The gap relationships between teachers and students, often triggered by the desire of teachers to always be obeyed and complied with all said and ordered, without trying to understand the factors that can affect the lives of the students to moved into an obedient and docile child.
B. Problem Formulation
On the basis of the background of the above problems, we try to formulate how big of a result that would occur if both of these issues are left to drag on, or even sought to justify the omission of the case. Lately often an act of mutual accusations and throwing responsibility on the case as mentioned above between the role of parents in the home and the role of teachers in schools.
If these problems persist above education among the world's environment, it is certain that it will tarnish the sanctity of educational institutions in the country, because they are not able to provide awareness-awareness of how important a sense of affection and noble character among others. And a loss of public trust in educational institutions, especially to the men and women who are dedicated educators in it since from early childhood to university, because it is the only institution that gave birth to scholars only punish him in a way that is not wise at all. With this formula, then we will find a question "What is the influence of spiritual-based education on children's behavior at home, as well as students in the school?".
C. The purpose of writing
In writing artike this, we aim to share a bit of the solution, as well as a vehicle for introspection for us in carrying out activities as educators at the Institute of Education of each, so that we continue to be involved in actions that are always looking for reasons justify all our flaws in carrying out the duties and responsibilities of educating our students each, so that later become someone powerful, optimal, accompanied manners, and based on the firmness of faith and piety.
It's ironic, if a "sacred" as the school which should show an image of compassion and tenderness, now no longer describe it as a place to print the scholars determine the future of the nation, because it tarnished by the actions of a handful of students who love violence, both among students in the same school, or with students at other schools, although still very much at all schools that are still very beautiful to the eye in conduciveness aspects of the school environment and the behavior of their students.
In this regard, the role of parents and teachers alike magnitude in determining the mental maturity and their attitude in favor, so that students are spared from having nature ornery, stubborn, and violent. In this case the parents and teachers should not be throwing the responsibility, because whenever and wherever they keep the status of children for parents, and students for teachers.
In this case, most parents and teachers have been trapped in the assumption that the responsibility of parents becoming separated when the child is already in school, and the teachers that they are separated from their responsibilities when the students had returned to their homes, and had release the identity of her school uniform. So if there is aberrant behavior of these children so that often we encounter are the two sides are even recriminations, and throwing responsibility than to sit together to find a solution to get out of this problem, and make anticipatory action so that such deviations do not occur again either on the same child or the other children.
Actually, all of that is triggered by the loss of control of parents and teachers to give lessons and education. They put aside the spiritual-based education (Spiritual Teaching), so anything that has been taught well by the family at home and teachers at school are less seep into the psyche of children. Therefore, through the writing of this article, we want to try to share tips that  will lead the reader to become parents and teachers who loved, admired, coveted his presence, and imitated by children at home, and the students in the school. Lately has been equally we know that the role of parents in the home is no more only as a figure of the provider of food and shelter in the house along with some supporting facilities, so no teachers in schools whose role is no more than a mere transmitter of the subject matter and as a writer in the book value of report cards of students, because many cases we have encountered a student who excel in the academic field, while in the mental aspect and behavior she Zero.
In addressing the case of delinquency, there are some tips that should be prepared and considered very essential to be done by the parents and teachers in anticipation of the emergence of cases as mentioned above, or at prevent the spread of naughtiness that the children the other, a few of these tips, among others, are:
1. Exemplary Honor.
Exemplary noble very effective in instilling manners of good to others, because the person who becomes the object did not feel patronized, but feel suggestible to virtuous character well too when seeing parents and teachers as well as those around him behave with manners good. To provide exemplary and noble cause, parents and teachers need their  preparation themselves to always be aware of emotions from becoming a terrible figure for children and students, has always been a figure of forgiving-but not a weak figure who always gives impunity to any  acts to children and students, always able to suppress the development of "animal instinct" for children and students, not authoritarian and less democratic-whichever is too democratic or authoritarian attitudes can be fatal if it is applied in the long term, always put your trust.
Modeling this noble will give birth to words and actions filled with affection, as well as much of the behavior to punish and judge, so that those who were the objects voluntarily approached, obedient and according to parents and teachers, because children and students the feel "safe" to be around them, and always longing for their advice.
2. Soften Hearts.
Meekness is indeed very important, so many people strive to achieve them, pursue them with riyadah Riyadah-backs that are believed to bring tenderness to the perpetrators either prayer-prayer or to follow the teachings  management, or some products " softener heart "other. As a first step that parents and teachers need to have the determination to proclaim in his heart to always be the best for children and students. Proclaimed that your parents and teachers love them, proclaimed that your parents and teachers present for them, proclaimed that your parents and teachers are the best companions for them, proclaimed that your parents and teachers are true friends always there for them.
With the "declaration of love", then it will become enhancer supplements power for parents and teachers, to always alert and ready under any circumstances to always present to bring affection wholeheartedly, to help provide a solution to all problems experienced by children and students. And gentleness will always radiate positive aura, so that everyone will know that your parents and teachers are not people who are "dangerous" to be around them.
3. Sowing Seeds of Compassion.
After parents and teachers implement the tips as above, and always arrange careful to always always soft, then the next step is to sow the seed of love and affection in the form of application through behavior when interacting with children at home, and the students in school. Educationally based on the feeling of love will have an effect on increasing trust children to parents, and students to teachers, especially public confidence in the school.
The seeds of affection that have been sowing should be fostered, in order to continue the seeds that sprout lush affection, so it can produce flower blossoms scent the atmosphere of love that is ready to park the lives of parents and teachers. As for the fertilizer seeds of compassion, may be formulated from ingredients, such as building the image that the home they are the best to shelter in the face of this earth, and to build the school's image that this is the best of a capable led them to success both inner and outer. Also applying simple tips in interaction by simplifying procedures interact. Also privileging any child around him by treating them like people overlooked his presence among parents and teachers. Also devote attention to appreciate every achievement by children and students by giving gifts. Also make it a habit to help with any difficulties they are limited to such assistance does not make them to be spoiled. Also familiarize sell out compliments at each end in the process of doing something. Also make it a habit to respond to every chat conversation even though they are trivial in size adult thinking. Also familiarize provide physical touch in places that are likely deserve touched while it is communicating. And last but not least is presenting them in every prayer of parents and teachers.
By doing so, parents and teachers have to do two at the same kindness. Namely teachers and parents have mendo'akan them, and on that occasion they also gave "careful study" to them, so that ties of affection that exists among children and parents as well as between students and teachers, senantisa got the blessing and abundance of grace Allah glory to Him.
4. Istiqamah.
In this final step, parents and teachers should always run anything that has been built from scratch with high consistency, so that anything that has been built with steps filled with struggle is not in decline and eventually must be destroyed gulped. With the continuous spirit should always be updated to the ebb and flow situation no negative impact on the result of the struggle.
To always istiqamah, parents and teachers should always confirm sacred intention to always serve God, to always fulfill the mandate of trust to participate as well as keep a generation, so that always that generation became leader on earth who can bring benefit to the environment, accompanied akhlakul karimah, which is based on the firmness of faith and piety. So that can make the environment they occupy as baldatun Thoyyibatun Warobbun Ghafur.
There are many terms that can be used to express the nature and character of parents and teachers are ideal, among which soft, resilient, and brilliant. Tenderness is a reflection of the love and affection. Toughness is a reflection of the seriousness of the determination based on the firmness of faith and piety. While brilliance is a reflection of kretivitas, professionalism, and progression.
If all three are combined with the word "fixed and always", then all of them will describe the nature Istiqamah, which will give birth to an amazing harmony and totality. So with that will by itself deliver the parents and teachers to the pinnacle of achievement in educating. Children and students with voluntary and trusting will be obedient and submissive figure, because they have absorbed so much spirit that has been transferred by the parents and teachers to their hearts. Because the spiritual-based education is a form of education that is transformed from heart to heart. By implementing a spiritual-based education that will make parents and teachers as someone who always awaited his presence, and always be missed counsels.
At the end of the closing of writing this article, the author felt the need to conclude that the spiritual-based education is very important to be applied in all aspects of education good education at home, at school or in the midst of society in general. But do not forget, before applying the spiritual-based education should be forthcoming, in order to continue his heart was always filled with enthusiasm for the best , so will not experience spiritual dryness. Because of this spiritual-based education is a form of education that is transformed from the heart, so it will never be heard from again comment "My mother was not okay buildup" of children on their parents, as well as shouts of "Freedom ..." is an appreciation of freedom of students knew that the teacher was not present on that day in school.

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